Enforce Mandatory Form Completion Before Checkout

Enforce Mandatory Form Completion Before Checkout

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I'm using Craft with the Forms app installed on the product page, and I need to make some crucial information mandatory before customers can check out. I'm not a coder, so is there a simple way to enforce this? Or is there another method to ensure I gather this information from clients before they complete their purchase?

Here is the testing page:

Thank you!
Replies 2 (2)

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Hi @dhlock 👋 a product submited to the cart and an abitrary form submited for infomation are two seperate things.

Unless an app specifically says it integrates with products for this purpose a forms app wont work like this.


If this is indeed information that supposed to be attached to the product > line item then what you need are line-item-properties.


If it's meant for the entire order and all line-items use cart attributes




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Hi Dhlock,

You can use Cart attributes to collect more information before they checkout on your store. You'll also have the option to make these fields mandatory before they are able to checkout.

Feel free to email me! 😄
I'm open to conversations or work ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ