Re: Error to update / delete / create Order Risk


Error to update / delete / create Order Risk

Shopify Partner
4 1 0

When I try to update an Order Risk it returns an error.


PUT: https://<store_url>/admin/api/2023-07/orders/<order_id>/risks/<risk_id>.json




        "message": "Test",
        "score": 0.00,
        "recommendation": "accept",
        "cause_cancel": false,
        "source": "external",
        "display": true




It returns HTTP Status 409 Conflict



    "errors": [
        "Your app has previously created a risk assessment for this order. Using deprecated OrderRisk against the same object is forbidden."




The Order Risk I'm trying to update was created by my application. I tried to DELETE this Order Risk and it returned the same error.


I tried to create another order risk for this order and the error was the same.

This error started today 01/15/24

Shopify API Version I'm using is 2023-07


 Someone know what is happening and how can I update or create another risk for my order?

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
4 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

Today 01/16/24, the problem was solved. It's not happening anymore

View solution in original post

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
4 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

Today 01/16/24, the problem was solved. It's not happening anymore

Shopify Partner
9 0 4

I encountered the same problem.  The error message from Shopify API :
    Your app has previously created a risk assessment for this order. Using deprecated OrderRisk against the same object is forbidden.
Our software received failures adding multiple risk assessments, which is something that worked for the past few years.   Our software also updates an OrderRisk after a manual review, which has worked for the past few years. 

Yesterday, both of these failed.  

Is the behavior of these APIs going to change?  Was this just a mistake on Shopify's side?

Shopify Partner
4 1 0

This was only a mistake on Shopify's side and they fixed that issue yesterday