Re: extension not using latest api_version

extension not using latest api_version

Shopify Partner
1 0 1

Hi, im on the process on create an app extension with cart-transform functions. im facing the following problem when trying to update attributes when merging products.


First i create a shopify app with npm init @Shopify/app@latest (Current Shopify CLI version: 3.60.1)


After setting that up a file is created that has api_version='2024-04'


Then upon creating and extension with shopify app generate extension, an extension is created, but within this one, the shopify.extension.toml file says it uses api_version="2024-01' which is breaking my app because i require to use new properties that where introduced in 2024-04.


Im trying to use the attribute property of the mergeOperation. This exists in 2024-04 but not on 2024-01. Upon manually changing the api_version in shopify.extension.toml, i expect the file inside generated/api.ts to have the updated mergeOperation attributes allowing for me to use attributes field, but this is not happening.

How can i assure that my extension is in fact at the time of building and deploying using version 2024-04?


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
297 14 128

I'm having a similar problem with a different function - particularly the product discount function.

The `CartLineTarget` isn't available until `2024-07`, but the default `shopify app generate extension` produces an extension with a `shopify.extension.toml` of `2024-04`.

I attempted to update the `api_version` in the `shopify.extension.toml` to `2024-07` manually, then regenerated the GraphQL types, but no luck. Still stuck.

Then I tried rebuilding the extension, but again no update.

Founder of Real ID - Verify your customer's real IDs easily & securely with modern A.I.

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Shopify Partner
297 14 128

I found the solution, you need to update the schema after updating the `api_version` field.

Here's the documentation on how to do that:

1. Update the `api_version` in your `shopify.extension.toml` file

2. Run `shopify app function schema`

3. Run `shopify app function typegen`

Then your extensions API version will be updated.

Founder of Real ID - Verify your customer's real IDs easily & securely with modern A.I.

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