FEATURE REQUEST: Allow users to edit subscription contracts

FEATURE REQUEST: Allow users to edit subscription contracts

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We recently added Shopify subscriptions to our store, but it falls a bit short of our needs. We are a meal prep business, and our selection of items changes periodically. Please consider adding the following features:

1. Allow users to edit subscription contracts. Sometimes a user wishes to change their variation of an item they are subscribed to, or add an item to their subscription. As it stands, either we have to do this manually (not a scalable solution), or the user has to cancel the entire subscription and then start over (bad customer experience). Please allow users to edit their subscriptions the same way we can.


2. Show a warning when archiving an item that has active subscribers. Similarly, when we take an item off our menu, we have no idea how many customers it is affecting. Ideally it should warn us that the item is part of X subscriptions. The contracts page should allow us to filter contracts with items that cannot be fulfilled.


3. Prompt a subscriber to replace an item that is being archived. When we do archive an item with active subscribers, they should receive an email notifying them that the item has been automatically removed from their subscription, and to please select a new item. Bonus if we can promote specific items or offer discounts.

Reply 1 (1)

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Hi @csmp_pgh 


This is a great feature. Kindly reach out to Shopify support team so, they can forward your feedback about this to their developer team. They can check this one out and consider adding this feature in the future. You can reach out to them by going through their Shopify Help Center and enter your concern on AI chat box, respond to it until the "I still need help" or "chat with a support advisor" option appear.

Please let me know if it works by marking it as a solution!
Seal Subscriptions App, a subscription app for Shopify, with glowing user testimonials and a free plan.