Flow: Customer turnover over the last 365 days

Flow: Customer turnover over the last 365 days

7 0 4

Im currently experimenting with Shopify Flow.

Is it possible to make a flow like the following, because I couldn't figure it out 😅:

Order created-> Check if the customer has the tag "xxx" -> if yes -> Check turnover of customer over the last 365 days -> if over 2500.- add tag "XYZ" to customer-> if over 5000.- add tag "ABC" to customer...........

The main thing I'm struggling with is the "last 365 days" part.

Thx for your help

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Shopify Partner
801 38 145

There's a flow discussion board - you may have more luck posting there:



If you're interested in a 3rd party app, I could build out a workflow for you for this using our app mesa.