Graphql admin api - App Subscription Create - One-time discount

Graphql admin api - App Subscription Create - One-time discount

Shopify Partner
2 0 2

Hi all,


Currently creating an app subscription, I want to implement a one-time discount, but something is confusing me. Will the next bill (2025) be charged at the full price, or will the 2026 bill be at the full price? As shown in the screenshot, it states: 7.00 USD every year until Dec 02, 2026.

If it really starts charging at full price from 2026 onwards, how can I fix this? I want the next one to be charged at full price.

I thought this field should be set like this for a discount only 1 time, but should I follow a different approach?

  • DurationLimitInIntervals: 1,


      "query": "mutation AppSubscriptionCreate($name: String!, $lineItems: [AppSubscriptionLineItemInput!]!, $returnUrl: URL!, $test: Boolean) { \n  appSubscriptionCreate(name: $name, returnUrl: $returnUrl, lineItems: $lineItems, test: $test) { \n    userErrors { \n      field \n      message \n    } \n    appSubscription { \n      id \n      createdAt \n      currentPeriodEnd \n      name \n      returnUrl \n      status \n      test \n      lineItems { \n        plan { \n          pricingDetails { \n            ... on AppRecurringPricing { \n              price { \n                amount \n                currencyCode \n              } \n            } \n          } \n        } \n      } \n    } \n    confirmationUrl \n  } \n}",
      "variables": {
        "lineItems": {
          "plan": {
            "appRecurringPricingDetails": {
              "price": {
                "amount": 10,
                "currencyCode": "USD"
              "interval": "ANNUAL",
              "discount": {
                "durationLimitInIntervals": 1,
                "value": {
                  "amount": 3
        "name": "Test monthly",
        "test": true



Reply 1 (1)
Shopify Partner
2 0 2

Thanks for the reply! 


Actually, when creating this charge, we initially see the statement "$3.00 off 1 charge." However, when reviewing the subscription details later, it seems to behave differently (perhaps Shopify is displaying it incorrectly, but I'm not entirely sure).
