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Help with productCreate and productVariantsBulkCreate in GraphQL API (2024-07 Version)

Help with productCreate and productVariantsBulkCreate in GraphQL API (2024-07 Version)

Shopify Partner
12 0 3

Hello Shopify Community,

I am working on creating products using the productCreate and productVariantsBulkCreate mutations in the 2024-07 version of the GraphQL API. However, I am running into an issue where the process doesn't work as expected.


  • When I use the productCreate mutation, it creates a default variant with a price of 0 and no inventory or quantity, as productOptions doesn't support variants directly.
  • To add variants, I call productVariantsBulkCreate, passing the necessary options (e.g., price, quantity, SKU, and inventory). While this successfully creates additional variants, it does not override the default variant created by productCreate.


  1. How can I manage this default variant so it doesn't remain as a placeholder with no proper data?
  2. Is there an alternative approach to create products with variants that bypasses this issue with minimum GraphQL calls?image.png

If anyone has faced a similar issue or knows a better way to handle this, I would appreciate your guidance.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
12 0 3

In addition to it, here are mutation I am using for 2024-07,

mutation productVariantsBulkCreate($productId: ID!, $variants: [ProductVariantsBulkInput!]!) { productVariantsBulkCreate(productId: $productId, variants: $variants) { userErrors { field message } product { id title options { id name values position } } productVariants { id title selectedOptions { name value } compareAtPrice createdAt inventoryPolicy inventoryQuantity position price barcode taxable updatedAt inventoryItem { id measurement { weight { unit value } } requiresShipping sku tracked } } } }

mutation CreateProduct($product: ProductInput!, $media: [CreateMediaInput!]!) { productCreate(media: $media, input: $product) { product { id: legacyResourceId productType status vendor title description metafields(first: 250) { edges { node { id key value type namespace } } } options { id name position values optionValues { id name hasVariants } } media(first: 10) { edges { node { id mediaContentType } } } } userErrors { field message } } }

Shopify Partner
18 0 3

have you tried productVariantUpdate mutation after product creation? and pass first variant from creation response?

Shopify Partner
18 0 3

Also check these mutations


inventoryItemId: variant.inventoryItem.id,
available: quantity,


reason: "correction",
name: "available",
changes: [
delta: quantity,
inventoryItemId: variant.inventoryItem.id,