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Is there a way to have an item automatically added to an order when a certain threshold is met?
We would like to give customers a free canvas tote (normally $10) when they spend $80 at our store. I've tried buy x, get y free before, but sometimes customers forget to add to cart in order to get the free gift, so we would like to automate the process.
Any thoughts?
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This is an accepted solution.
Thanks for jumping in, @KendallVernon!
I passed your feedback along to our team. I also recommend contacting our Plus Support team to see if they have any app suggestions for your store in the meantime.
Greta | Shopify
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Hi, @scoresfilm!
Thank you for your post. I can definitely suggest some apps that provide your customers with a free item as part of their purchase.
When searching for free gift apps in our app store, I found some great options that specifically mention that the gifts are automatically added when the customer meets the criteria you define. Check those out here:
If you’re new to third party apps, I recommend checking out this guide which goes over all the details you might want to know about them ( You can also check out these two help documents regarding how to work with apps (for example, how to install/uninstall them and how to view an app’s invoice) and how to get support
I hope this helps!
Greta | Shopify
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Why doesn't Shopify offer this feature? The 'Buy x, Get y' feature is useless.
Shopify will wait to see if it becomes popular first. Then they will disconnect the 3rd party software, and replace it with a 'FREE' version of their own that doesn't work half as well. As they did with 'KIT' and many others.
To dd to my last, all these apps are very expensive for just one feature customers are looking to add. You guys should not be forcing customers to expend additional cost because your current offering is deficient.
Hi, @James46!
Thank you for sharing your feedback. I definitely understand wanting this feature offered by Shopify directly, and I'm happy to pass your thoughts along to our developers. Feedback like this is how we determine what features to create and improve. I can't guarantee this change will be implemented, but if it is, it will be added to the Shopify Changelog.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!
Greta | Shopify
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Can you add the ability for your Pro customers, which includes me, to vote on features and then release (where possible) in that order, this one is a common feature that we all want, and we are paying for through other apps.
Hi, @andydean!
Thank you for your comment — that's a great idea! By sharing your feedback here or with our live support team, you are essentially "voting" on wanting that feature. Every time a piece of feedback is shared, our developers know that one more merchant wants that feature and they can prioritize it. So you may not see anything like this publicly, but we're constantly reviewing feedback behind the scenes!
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Greta | Shopify
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Also came here just to say we would really like this feature to be added. Getting the customer to add it to their cart is very difficult and when they don't do it properly we have angry customers on our hands.
Hi, @Jekyllhyde!
Thank you for adding your feedback, I understand how this feature would be useful for your store. I've passed your insights along to our developers!
Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you out with.
Greta | Shopify
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Hi @Greta :
We really appreciate your reply and your adding this to the feature wish list. This is one that we really want as well. From all of the postings I see on the internet, I'm guessing it's very in demand.
In addition, we would like to be able to have more than one buy x get y discount active at a time.
For us, we find that third party apps are very heavy and often slow down our store speed. Additionally, while the sales pitch presents these apps as perfect, we are always finding limitations once we deploy them.
We'd really like for Shopify to be more versatile, in general. Maybe you should present another tier which is more feature rich.
Thanks for your feedback! I've shared that internally. Shopify is always upgrading the platform, which is why we released 100+ product updates earlier this year.
What plan are you currently on? We do have an enterprise pricing plan called Shopify Plus which is available on a 12-month contract and starts from $2000 per month as it caters to the needs of larger businesses. Is that something you might be interested in?
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Thanks, @Andrew , for the info. We're actually already on the Shopify Plus plan. We appreciate all of the product updates. We end up doing a lot of custom coding, however, and find that the customizable interface falls short of the requirements we're asked to meet regularly. Having been part of a team that built a multi-store system similar to Shopify, I understand, however, how hard it is to meet everyone's requests. So I appreciate your putting auto-add free item to cart on the wish list. If you can also add allowing more than one active buy x get y free discount at a time to that list, it is greatly appreciated.
I am also disappointed that this service isn't automatically included.
Hey, @ryancrawford84!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I've passed along your feedback to our developers, and you can keep up with platform changes by checking out the Shopify Changelog.
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Greta | Shopify
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Just that one thing of not automatically adding the eligible free product to cart makes this entire "buy x, get y free" useless feature. Shopify please think of all use case before launching a feature.
Now you shouldn't delay fixing this feature. Its not something good to have, its a must have. Treat it as a BUG.
Hi, @Deepak30!
I appreciate you sharing your feedback and I certainly understand where you're coming from. I'm happy to pass your thoughts along to our developers.
Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.
Greta | Shopify
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I created an account just to comment here to hopefully cast another "vote" for this feature. I agree with some of the other commenters that not having this feature is more of a bug than a feature request. Currently paying a billion dollars for Shopify Plus and can't automatically add a free item to my customers' cart is pretty wack. Ty.
This is an accepted solution.
Thanks for jumping in, @KendallVernon!
I passed your feedback along to our team. I also recommend contacting our Plus Support team to see if they have any app suggestions for your store in the meantime.
Greta | Shopify
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I see 3-years of hearing/reading 'I passed your feedback along to our team', yet no solution to this issue. And pushing an app as a solution to a problem caused by Shopify is not a solution at all. This just leads us to believe it's all about the money. Steering customers into upgrading to Pro or Enterprise, only to find out that they have the same issues. Looks like Shopify is following the Intuit model. However, Intuit has a monopoly. Shopify does not. Disappointing. But why care what I and the others here have to say eh? How many of us will it take to motivate Shopify for a real solution that doesn't require an upgrade, or push us to yet another app?
Please add the feature expressed by many here. The current manual way is I agree useless. Ty
When I saw that this request had a solution, I didn't expect the solution to be No Solution and pay more money for another plugin! It's been about 6 months, is this going to be added any time soon? I would assume the admin screen would be if {'discounted value' = 'Free'} then {'add option of auto cart' = 'True'} I am sure that there is extra work in the back end code, but please, this shouldn't be a huge addition to the changelog. Any idea when this will be added?
This is marked as Solved… what’s the Shopify Solution?
You guys should check out the solution from our team (qikify). It does exactly what is described in the topic.
Honestly, this is one of the reasons I keep rejecting their attempts to get us to upgrade. Why am I going to pay that much per month and still have to code my own solutions to their shortcomings? The code will work just as fine on a non-pro plan, so I'll just pay myself with pats on the back.
Came here to throw in my vote for this addition as well. It has to be a BUG that an auto add to cart feature wasn't included natively. I already pay so much for add-ons on top of my base subscription, I can't believe I have to find ANOTHER add-on to pay for to get this to work as intended.
Way to not consider the user experience at all in this case.
Hi there
I'm trying to do the same thing. Did you find a suitable solution?
Hello @scoresfilm & @bshum1,
Hope you are doing well.
To meet your requirement, iCart Cart Drawer Cart Upsell app is the best fit.
iCart Cart Drawer Cart Upsell App
Hi there @scoresfilm & @bshum1!
HypeCart can do exactly what you're asking for, and even more.
I would suggest to check it out and if you have any questions at all just send us an email on or through the chat in the app.
All the best!
Dealing with the same thing.
We are including a free digital download with every purchase, and want to restrict customers from seeing the digital download until after purchase.
I found this 100% free app (not affiliated) that is simple but gets the job done.
Good luck!
Just that one thing of not automatically adding the eligible free product to cart makes this entire "buy x, get y gree" useless feature. Shopify please think of all use case before launching a feature.
Now you shouldn't delay fixing this feature. Its not something good to have, its a must have. Treat it as a BUG.
I can only agree with the previous posts in this thread. This is a very basic feature that should be included no matter if you are on Plus or not, at least now I know upgrading will not help me.
Just adding another vote for the "it's insane I've just had to spend another $40/month on an app to do basic Buy X, Add Y functionality" on my site
Yes, you can achieve this functionality using the "Cart Drawer Upsell & Free Gift" app. This app allows you to set up automated triggers so that when customers meet a certain threshold, such as spending $80 will be automatically added to their cart.
By automating this process, you can ensure that customers receive their free gift without having to remember to add it manually. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also helps increase the average order value (AOV) and conversion rate on your store.
Hey Everyone,
This is a situation a ton of people use our app for. We make it super simple to add a 'forgotten' rule so if an order is placed that the Buy X Get Y should apply to and no free item is added you can include the free item after all and save yourself a bunch of time and money on customer support, shipping cost to get them their 'forgotten' free gift, and brand image.
We allow you to check if a discount code is applied, the product contains or doesn't contain an item with a tag or specific product and variant.
Link to the app:
And a quick video demoing and explaining the setup and functionality:
"A ton of people" but 0 reviews in 5 months?
Hey Marcus,
I guess "a ton" is subjective in this case! Hope you're willing to check out the free trial. I'm just sharing the experience our merchants have had, and offering a potential solution. I certainly should do a better job of asking for reviews, I've just been happy with people using it!
Well, Well, Well @Marcus_Frasier looks who's back with one review!
Hi there,
I'd like to also recommend app Selly to help you to offer free gifts automatically based on cart subtotal:
In case there are some gift options, customers can select the option they like.
You can also offer free gifts based on quantity via the app.
The app interface is customizable and the app support is ready to help:
There are also other features such as bundle, recommendation, motivator...
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