How can I correctly use GraphQL in a webhook?

How can I correctly use GraphQL in a webhook?

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

I'm adding a webhook, and in that webhook I want to make a graphql call to modify an order.

export const action = async ({ request }) => {
const { payload, topic, shop, session, admin } = await authenticate.webhook(request);

switch (topic) {
if (admin) {
admin.graphql.query(`query here...`)


I assumed that I could use the graphql client here, but I get a TS error `Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'GraphqlParams'.`

What is the right way to do this?

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

OK, so for some reason the `admin.graphql` that comes back from `authenticate.webhook` is different than what comes back from `authenticate.admin`. If I pass `{data: "query here..."}` this works. Now I just need to craft the right query.

Shopify Partner
32 3 13

Damn, thanks man. I really hate Shopify's docs.

inside yourAppName/app/routes/webhooks.jsx






  if (session) {
    const response = await admin.graphql.query({data: `
      query {
        shop {





Shopify Partner
14 1 6

I'm getting the same issue. Would you mind sharing the docs you refer to / what was your solution?



Shopify Partner
14 1 6

if anyone is facing the same issue, here's what works for me:

isHook - true if it's from webhook's admin, false if it's from the web admin.

const response = this.isHook
? await this.graphql.query({ data: { query, variables } })
: await this.graphql(query, { variables });
Shopify Partner
10 1 4

I have spent so long trying to figure out how to make admin graphQL calls from a webhook, and your answer solved it. Sincerely, thank you so much for sharing.


PS: Why there doesn't seem to be anything about this in the docs is beyond me!

Paul Simmonds
Acting Platform Developer
0117 214 1569

1st Floor, The Landing, 125 Redcliff Street, Bristol, BS1 6HU