How can I create a test shop for product integration without payment?


How can I create a test shop for product integration without payment?

Shopify Partner
2 0 0


I am a developer working with Convictional's Shopify App.

I need a test shop to test the integrations of products / orders.

Is there a way to do it without paying Shopify?


Thanks in advance!

Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Partner
264 28 37

This is an accepted solution.

Create a partner account here:  Become a Shopify Partner Today - Shopify Partners   Then you will have an option to create a free development store from your partner account dashboard.

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Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
413 62 60

hi @CotonCoton 

You can create a development store from your partner dashboard. You can install and test your app on that development store. Development stores does not cost you any money.

Brain Station 23 PLC (Mail:
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Shopify Partner
2 0 0

For now I just have a basic shop (like anyone willing to sell something, nothing related to development)
My store if frozen, and all I can do to unlock it is pay for it. The common settings don't seem accessible.

Therefore I don't see where to create a development store. Could you please tell me where it is?

Also, the app I am experimenting with (Convictional App) is not mine, is that ok to use a development store with someone else app?

Thanks in advance


Shopify Partner
264 28 37

This is an accepted solution.

Create a partner account here:  Become a Shopify Partner Today - Shopify Partners   Then you will have an option to create a free development store from your partner account dashboard.

Founder @ JsRates: Custom Shipping Rates
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