How can I create user-friendly product variants for solar systems?

How can I create user-friendly product variants for solar systems?

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

I am selling solar systems, and I want to create a user-friendly product page. This page will have three dropdown menus for customers to choose from:


  1. Number of solar panels needed.
  2. Type of roof.
  3. Number of rows required for installing the solar system.

To make this work, I need to generate different product options based on these choices. For instance, if someone picks "3 solar panels," "Tile" roof, and "2 rows," I will create a product variant for that combination. This process applies to other combinations as well.


Importantly, these variants need to be connected to multiple products, and I need the flexibility to adjust the quantity of each product for every variant.


Moreover, when a customer selects a specific variant, all the related products associated with that variant should show up as separate items in their shopping cart. For example, if a customer chooses the variant "3 solar panels / tile / 1 row," all the products linked to that particular variant should be added to their cart or checkout page as separate items.


For some reference on how it should work, checkout (Wordpress) 

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

@tobebuilds can you help here? 🙂 


Shopify Partner
1998 147 205

Can we connect for more details. Its feasible but want to clear some doubts. Whatsapp link is in BIO.

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Hi @nilshilmar ,

We've carefully checked your website and found your problem quite complicated. So we suggest hiring a developer.

It's what we can help with an optimal solution. If you need help from our expert, kindly share your request with us via Shopify experts:

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