How can I directly contact the App Review Team?

How can I directly contact the App Review Team?

Shopify Partner
6 0 2

Is there a way to contact the App Review Team directly?

Currently we are having to Submit our app, wait for a response via email (which is from a noreply email address that doesn't accept incoming emails) and then speak with someone on the Partner gateway online chat and then they are having to pass messages on to the Review Team, which is taking quite a long time.


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
406 60 58

HI@DomSnap You can't contact the App Review Team directly But...
 You will contact 
Partner support, I think they will help you.

Step: Go to partner profile, click support, and contact Partner Support

Joy Matubber| Brain Station 23
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Shopify Partner
6 0 2

Thanks for replying @BrainStation23. This is actually what we are already doing by going through the Partner gateway like you have suggested above. But all that happens is they say they will pass messages onto the review team and email us back. But the messages don't seem to be getting through to the Review team as its very difficult to get a response. I think the whole process has been fantastic, up until submission. It would be great if there was a quicker way to discuss Review team feedback with Shopify. For example, they last replied saying we have missing information in our testing instructions (which we don't believe is actually missing) and no way of discussing this with them to workout what the actual problem is. So of course we've tried changing our instructions and submitting again and have now been suspended for 2 weeks. ☹️

Shopify Partner
406 60 58

Sorry to say that, you can't contact directly the review team if you went to contact with review team the only way to contact the support team and tell them your problem they can help you.

Brain Station 23 PLC (Mail:
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