Re: Instagram Reels feed?

How can I embed my Instagram Reels feed on my website?

22 0 7

Howdy. I see lots of apps to add your IG feed to your website and some that make them shoppable. My company is doing great with IG Reels but I don't see an app that allows you to embed feed of your Reels videos. Any ideas?

Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
4531 434 1030

Hi @lisankelly,

Great question and nice work on the reels. It's tough but good content. What are you selling? This is something I have encountered myself recently on my own store as I've also been focusing on reels for content too. The native Instagram feed on a stores homepage was removed and this either needs to go via an app or custom built in. When I added an app which works really well, it only showed the pictures and not the reels. 

It could be worth looking through the Insta feed apps in the Shopify App store to see if there is one which enables reels to be displayed on the feed. If you don't find one, it could be worth reaching out to a Shopify Expert to see if you can have something customised made to allow this. If you do find an app or solution for this, be sure to let me know in a reply here as it would be helpful for me too. I will do the same! 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
18 1 3

@lisankelly If you're looking to embed Instagram Reels to your Shopify Store then you can opt-in to use this Shopify App - . It is one of the popular social media aggregator tool and has recently launched the solution to embed portrait videos on website, such as:

- Instagram Reels

- YouTube Shorts

- TikTok (Handle & Hashtag)

Apart from this you can also embed social media feeds from 15+ social networks to your Shopify Store using wide customization features to match the vibes of your website.


I hope the answer is helpful

Michael Williams
For Social Media Feed App by Tagembed
Embed Instagram Feed, Facebook Feed, Google Reviews & Many More
6 0 0

Hello, I would like to do the same thing so I tried download the app you attached. However, it didn't show Instagram for me and my main Marketing channel is IG and kinda only IG. Is there a way that I'm missing? Thank you!

Shopify Partner
18 1 3


We have dedicated plugin for Instagram. You can collect content from Handle, hashtag, Reels and more.

Link -


Hope this will help. Happy Embedding!

Michael Williams
For Social Media Feed App by Tagembed
Embed Instagram Feed, Facebook Feed, Google Reviews & Many More

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Yup..below app pulls all the products from your shopify store and displays all the products via reels view. Please check it out.
