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I successfully created a cart per customer but somehow I can't seem to get the cart details using the cart query?
What am I missing? How to check the payment details of the cart?
Here's the query:
query { cart( id: "CART_ID_HERE" ) { id createdAt updatedAt lines(first: 10) { edges { node { id quantity merchandise { ... on ProductVariant { id } } attributes { key value } } } } attributes { key value } cost { totalAmount { amount currencyCode } subtotalAmount { amount currencyCode } totalTaxAmount { amount currencyCode } totalDutyAmount { amount currencyCode } } buyerIdentity { email phone customer { id } countryCode deliveryAddressPreferences { ... on MailingAddress { address1 address2 city provinceCode countryCodeV2 zip } } } } }
{ "data": { "cart": null } }
query checkoutURL { cart(id: "CART_ID_HERE") { checkoutUrl } }
I can't seem to get the checkout url too.
{ "data": { "cart": null } }
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