How can I remove the black border from images on my contact page?

How can I remove the black border from images on my contact page?

2 0 0

I am trying to remove the black line around the image box on my contact page but can't figure out how to do it. I searched this forum and found a respond to paste this into .rich-text__content{
border: unset !important;
}   file theme css but I can't find where file theme css is under assets.

My theme is Taste  and site is 

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
165 33 41

Hello @ChrisRndr


Try this code:

  1. Navigate to Online Store -> Themes -> Edit Code.
  2. Find the file "base.css".
  3. Go to the bottom of the page and paste the code.
#shopify-section-template--15581620371521__main .rte img {
    border: unset;
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2 0 0

Thank you so much. That worked perfectly. my effort to figure it out (prior to asking here), I have inadvertently made something else transparent. 

When I select a product to put in my cart, the pop up box is now transparent. I pasted code from one of the questions that sounded like my problem but I created a different mess. Any chance you know what code needs to be deleted?

 transparent box.jpg


Shopify Partner
165 33 41

Try this code:

  1. Navigate to Online Store -> Themes -> Edit Code.
  2. Find the file "base.css".
  3. Go to the bottom of the page and paste the code.


#cart-notification {
 background-color: #fff;


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