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I have a discount that applied in a order and it showing this details in the order detail in admin panel
I was trying to retrieve this detail from the graphql, the following is the approach I made
query ($numProducts: Int!, $cursor: String, $query: String!) { orders(first: $numProducts, after: $cursor, query: $query) { edges { node { createdAt lineItems(first: 20) { nodes { id } } } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } }
I not sure how do I get it from graphql, do anyone have idea?
The `order` object includes connections to (order-level) `discountApplications` and `lineItems`. I'm not sure where the information you highlighted in the screen capture came from, but the following query shows how you can retrieve both the order-level and lineitem-level discount allocations.
"query": "
query getOrder($orderId: ID!) {
order(id: $orderId) {
id customer { id } discountCodes
discountApplications(first: 5) { edges { node {
} } }
lineItems(first: 50) { edges { node {
id quantity currentQuantity name sku
discountAllocations {
allocatedAmountSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } }
discountApplication { ...discountApplicationFields }
} } }
fragment discountApplicationFields on DiscountApplication {
value {
... on MoneyV2 { amount currencyCode }
... on PricingPercentageValue { percentage }
The response will be like:
"data": {
"order": {
"id": "gid://shopify/Order/12345",
"customer": {"id": "gid://shopify/Customer/67890"},
"discountCodes": ["rwdlxjx9ak42l"],
"discountApplications": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"index": 0,
"allocationMethod": "ACROSS",
"targetType": "LINE_ITEM",
"value": { "__typename": "MoneyV2", "amount" : "20.0", "currencyCode": "USD" }
"lineItems": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"id": "gid://shopify/LineItem/111111",
"quantity": 2,
"currentQuantity": 1,
"name": "Widget - Deluxe",
"sku": "fbot-widget-002",
"discountAllocations": [
"allocatedAmountSet": {
"shopMoney": {"amount": "16.0", "currencyCode": "USD"}
"discountApplication": {
"index": 0,
"allocationMethod": "ACROSS",
"targetType": "LINE_ITEM",
"value": { "__typename": "MoneyV2", "amount" : "20.0", "currencyCode": "USD" }
"node": {
"id": "gid://shopify/LineItem/222222",
"quantity": 1,
"currentQuantity": 0,
"name": "Widget - Standard",
"sku": "fbot-widget-001",
"discountAllocations": [
"allocatedAmountSet": {
"shopMoney": {"amount": "4.0", "currencyCode": "USD"}
"discountApplication": {
"index": 0,
"allocationMethod": "ACROSS",
"targetType": "LINE_ITEM",
"value": { "__typename": "MoneyV2", "amount": "20.0", "currencyCode": "USD" }
The problem with this is it doesn't seem to include any info about how the discount was applied (i.e. automatic vs code) or what discount was used (title, discountCode, id) Anybody found anything useful in the discountAllocations graphql?
You have to query for the __typename and the additional fields using standard GraphQL syntax. For example,
query getOrder($orderId: ID!) {
order(id: $orderId) {
discountApplications(first: 5) {
pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor }
nodes { ...discountApplicationFields }
fragment discountApplicationFields on DiscountApplication {
value {
... on MoneyV2 { amount currencyCode }
... on PricingPercentageValue { percentage }
... on DiscountCodeApplication { code }
... on AutomaticDiscountApplication { title }
and the response is like the following (note the "__typename": "DiscountCodeApplication" and "code": "rwdlv2qoxvf3w" in the response):
"data": {
"order": {
"discountApplications": {
"pageInfo": {
"endCursor": "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjowLCJsYXN0X3ZhbHVlIjowfQ==",
"hasNextPage": false
"nodes": [
"code": "rwdlv2qoxvf3w",
"value": {
"currencyCode": "USD" ,
"__typename" : "MoneyV2",
"amount" : "20.0"
"index": 0,
"allocationMethod": "ACROSS",
"__typename": "DiscountCodeApplication",
"targetSelection": "ALL",
"targetType": "LINE_ITEM"
"id": "gid://shopify/Order/5498811351191",
"discountCodes": ["rwdlv2qoxvf3w"]
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