How to concurrently develop an app as a team?

How to concurrently develop an app as a team?

Shopify Partner
22 0 1

I've recruited my friend to help me with my Shopify app.

Unfortunately, it seems like only one of us can run the app locally at one time.
Unless I'm mistaken, it seems like if one party invokes shopify app dev the other party's local app server will stop running?

I assume this is because their cloudflare generated URL will overwrite the existing cloudflare one in the partner app dashboard?

Just wondering what is the best way for a team to develop an app?

I guess we might need to create multiple dev apps so something like App(Michael), App(Tom), App(Ben)?? 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
5 1 3

Tracking this if someone has a better solution. We have a named CF tunnel, but it doesn't solve the problem of reverse routing to the rear end of the tunnel. We considered moving to Kubernetes and create multiple deployments backed by a single Ingress resource and have the ingress controller discriminate based on the JWT token. But this would be an overkill at this point for us as we've just started.