How to create a public customer profile on my online store?

How to create a public customer profile on my online store?

1 0 1

Hi Everyone,


I am trying to set up a public customer profile on my store, But I cannot find any apps that are designed for this. I will try explaining the best I can


1. Product I sell-
It is an NFC tag, which when someone taps their phone against the tag, it will bring up the persons profile that is connected to it. Which will have their contact details, all their socials, websites etc what ever they choose effectively

2. What I want to achieve-
A public profile for the customer, (similar to Link in bio type of landing pages, like, Beacons etc)
Where they can include their contact details, Add their socials, custom links, website etc. aswell as a profile picture and cover photo. once someone taps their phone t the tag, it bring their profile up and they can click on the icons to go direct to their facebook, website etc

I hope that makes sense 🙂
I have included a photo of what I currently have set up in Wix (but wanting to move across to shopify)



Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Partner
15 1 5

I think you can achieve this functionality through the Shopify Apps.

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

hey there. i have been working on the same project. have you found any solutions?

15 0 11

Did you ever find a solution to this?

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

i haven't found a solution that doesn't involve creating a separate web app to handle the logic.