Re: By by weight

How to sell products by weight and adjust pricing accordingly?

2 0 3

We are looking to sell by weight but a customer will pick for example 1kg but when we select the object it might be +\- this amount and we will need to adjust because will change price.
Anyone know how I might Handel this or app that can?
Replies 69 (69)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1260 92 224

Hi, @NiallS.


Tira here, from Shopify. I would love to help! 


Good question. What is the product that you're wanting to sell by weight? Is this for your online store, or are you looking to sell through Shopify POS


Once I have some more information from you, I can provide you with some guidance and resources. I look forward to hearing from you. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

2 0 5

I am also in this predicament but we are selling fresh meats through our online store and not using shopify POS.  For example someone would order a 300g steak or 500g of sliced deli meat but the exit price is rarely exact.  I would like a customer to be able to place an order online while also giving payment information but process the payment only AFTER the order has been processed.

3 0 3

Even the ability to sell an item and have the POS prompt the user to enter the price would be fine. That would be a simple solution to solve all of these scenarios until a more specific fix can be created. It seems to be a major oversight for this system but I'm guessing it is due to being online store first and POS second. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon...

Shopify Partner
211 10 67

Hi all,

We are the developer behind the 5-star rated Sell Products by Weight for POS app which solves this issue for in-person sales: Our app enables scale integration, inventory adjustment, COGS reporting, tax-exempt sales, etc. 

We are now beginning development to extend functionality to online sales. If you have a need for this, can you please fill out this brief questionnaire so that we can better understand the use case?

Thank you very much.

1 0 0

Hi Policenauts!

Have you already developed something? Unfortunately for online sales, I've searched a lot and there's nothing like what I need, the only app I've found that I'm investigating in it's Edit Order by Cleverific.

I sell cheeses and I want to sell for example a product that weighs 300 grams and costs 4.5 €.
In the product page I tell to the customer the price per KG (15€) and tell him that the weight can vary when I prepare the order.

I weigh the product, for example it weighs 375 grams so this chees will cost 5.6 €, so 1.10€ difference from the amount the customers has paid.

I need to receive this money from the customer, but I cannot ask him for another payment, I would like to deduct the money from his card automatically by sending him a note indicating the difference we need to take from him.




23 0 6
I’m using edit order and it is a very good work around. I end up having to send a 2nd invoice if a customer paid for the fixed price items, but it works, and they are only billed for the outstanding amount.

Desktop is best, I find the mobile app is tough to use - hopefully they fix this over time.

Shopify Partner
211 10 67

@CDB Hi C, your use case is a common one and I'm still working on this. I've had multiple phone calls with merchants in the past few weeks talking through very similar catch weight use cases of needing to edit the order afterward to adjust for overcut, and candidly this is a pretty complicated one! 

In the meantime you may be able to achieve what you want manually with just Shopify's native Edit Order functionality, but unless the authorized amount is higher, you'll have to invoice for the difference. Also if you use local delivery or local pickup, apparently you can't edit the order (not sure why this is). 

I'll update this thread when I've made more progress. 

2 0 1

Any updates on this issue?? 

We are an online butcher shop who is currently losing money because we have to cut everything over the mentioned weight and sell at a fixed price - it's not sustainable! It also takes so much longer to package up orders making sure they're as close as possible to the paid for amount. 

Anxiously awaiting this solution!! 

2 0 0
Same here patiently waiting for a solution while loosing money and time
1 0 0

We also really need a solution, because our current way of doing it is so slow. whenever a customer orderes 1 kg, but i deliver a 1,15, i make a variant with the correct weight and price and edit the current order, remove the order and sell the variant instead. stock-wise it is a nightmare. but adding a variant with the correct weight seems to make this possible, and with time, itll get easier because the variants are still saved. 


If anyone has a better solution, let me know 🙂 if any developer is out there reading this, please make a solution. I am sure many produce sellers will use your app. 

Shopify Partner
211 10 67

@Wildfood we have what might be a marginally better way to do your current workflow using our current app, but are still working on a more streamlined user experience. Stock would be deducted correctly in this case from the base product, here is a short video -

For any other merchants reading this, we're still working on a solution that will hopefully address this and hope to have something by around Q4 of 2021. 

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1260 92 224

Hey, everyone.

Tira here.

I just wanted to let you know that we have read through your feedback and I understand that being able to weigh your products and sell by their weight is important for your business. There isn’t a way to sell products by their measurement/weight in the Shopify admin. You can create multiple product variants, so that your customer can choose a variant of your product and place that in their cart. This might not always be ideal, as I know some products don’t weigh in exactly as a whole amount. If you would like to use this option, we have the steps in our help doc to create product variants here: Adding variants.

The next option I would recommend is to use apps listed in our App Store that will allow you to add your measurement/weight prices and sell with them here: Unit Pricing Apps. I did some digging, and it looks like IzyUnit: Price Per Unit by SPEAZ would be a great option if you’re looking for a budget-friendly app to use.

I know this isn’t ideal, but these apps will help you sell by your specific measurement so that you can continue moving forward on your store. Since these apps are made by third-party developers, should you have any questions or comments, please reach out to the third-party developer directly using the information under the “Support” section of the app’s page.

I have forwarded your feedback to our developers. If we move forward with this feature, we will list it in our changelog or announcements page. Thanks again for your feedback. Please share anything you would like to add and I can add it to this list of feedback. 


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

5 0 1

What a cop-out.  Selling by weight is a very common practice.  It's ridiculous that we have to use a 3rd party and pay extra for the service.  Shopify needs to do better.

15 0 6

I have read this and other discussions and am not seeing where a complete solution is in place.  

To explain, we sell pre-packaged meat products.  Example would be 1lb packages of ground meat.  We sell this both through online store as well as direct POS at markets, etc.  As an example, we would charge $6.67 per pound for ground beef.  At the POS, the individual package may weigh .89lbs.  I need to be able to charge the customer .89 of the $6.67 per lb price point.  I also need for when the sell transaction completes, the customer's receipt display that they purchased .89 lbs of ground beef as well as have a manner in which Shopify Inventory understands that I just sold 1 "unit" of ground beef to make inventory adjustment.  So instead of having 347 "1 lb" packages of ground beef, I now only have 346. 


My current work around method is creating separate POS products in my store (tagged POS and only available in the POS sales channel and does not track inventory) and my unit value for charge and cost are 1/10th lb products.  From my example above, in the POS sales channel, I have ground beef with a unit charge of .67  If a customer purchases a pkg weighing .89 pounds, the receipt will show they purchased 8 units (rounding down so customer doesn't overpay but at same time, we are losing money because I have no other way to accurately charge).  The second issue is that we now 2 "ground beef" products in our store with online sales channel "ground beef" being tracked for inventory.  We have to manually track POS sold items and manually update Online inventory to reflect sold units.


Please respond and timely.  We have literally lost $350 in the last 4 weeks because we can not accurately charge to the 1/100th decimal value.  We also spend several hours trying to reconcile inventory totals.


The ideal solution would work 1 of 2 ways: create a separate line item for each pkg sold regardless they are the same unit (i.e. - ground beef) capturing the weight for each pkg., or 2) ask how many units of 1 product are being purchased and then capturing the pkg. weight of each unit or total weight of all pkgs (receipt would show 3 units(pkgs) for total of 2.95lbs).  The pkg totals would then subtract from appropriate inventory product.

Shopify Partner
211 10 67

@DaisyOaks I welcome you to check out our app, Sell Products by Weight:


We can handle everything you describe on the POS side and show the exact weight on the customer receipt as well. For deducting inventory, please send us an email after you install our app letting me know it's you, and we'll change our back-end for your store to deduct based on "each" instead of by pounds. 


We also have a feature to keep your online and in-store inventory synced - you'll receive a welcome email with a setup video after you install our app that outlines how to use this feature.




15 0 6

I will give it a try.  From what I could see from your apps link, there were a couple things that didn't appear to line up for me, but as you stated above, with some "backend" work, it could perhaps meet the needs we have.  Thanks for responding and reaching out.

5 0 1

What BS.  Paying an extra $19 for a third party app where its such common practice to sell by weight.  Unreal that Shopify doesn't include it.  Did you find any other solutions DaisyOaks?

2 0 0

Been a couple of years since the post. Did you find a solution? 

7 0 3

I'm using IzyUnit - not saying it's the easiest way to do this whole exercise but it works.



2 0 0
Thanks for that. I’ll take a look at their solution. Cheers

5 0 1

The "solution" of linking a 3rd party app with an additional charge of $19 is total BS.  Shopify needs to do better.  Selling by weight is a very common practice.  What the heck?


5 0 1

I'm in the same exact situation and the fact that such a common way to sell items is by weight, seems absolutely ridiculous that its not a readily available option in Shopify.

5 0 1

This is BS.  I clicked the link and now we've gotta pay an additional $19 a month in order to sell by weight?!  Shopify needs to get it  together.

Shopify Partner
797 31 100

What product are you selling by weight? Also, do you want to '+/-' the order weight or just the price of the total order?

Customer Success @ PluginHive
Shipping Automation | FedEx shipping | Multi-carrier shipping | Shipment Tracking | Australia Post shipping
2 0 3



selling fresh seafood by weight. need to adjust the the price and also the weight

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1260 92 224

Thanks for getting back to @PluginHive and I, @NiallS.


It sounds like you want to weigh food products. I did some digging into our App Store and you can use an app called Unitpricer to help you with calculating the product cost by weight and quantity. This app works for Shopify POS and you can switch units at anytime, offer a volume discount and get a report for products with a "sell-by" date. 


Other options you can consider are using product customizer apps. Here are some of my recommendations:

Infinite Options - You can set minimum and maximum values on numeric fields.

Infinite Product Options - This app allows your customers to edit options in their cart without needing to start their shopping process again.


You can find similar options from our App Store, here: Product Customization Apps


When you want to contact the third-party developer for questions or assistance, you can find their information listed under the "Support" section of the specific app's page. 


You can also look into hiring a Shopify Expert to help you with this request. Shopify Experts specialize in coding custom features into your store and can help with a variety of different tasks to enhance your store. You can find our Experts Marketplace here for a list of Shopify Experts in your area.


I'm curious to see what the community has to suggest!


To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

4 0 16

I am also looking to sell seafood on our web store.  We are looking for the flexibility to change the final weight and price of a customer's order before it is packed.  Example- a customer orders 1lb of salmon for $18/lb, they are charged $18 but the charge could change once I enter the final weight. I fulfill the order and the actual weight is 1.07lbs.  The charge is adjusted to $19.26 after I fulfill the order.  


Is there an App that would allow us to alter the final price +/- for our application with fresh seafood?

Shopify Staff (Retired)
1260 92 224

Hi, @BostonRyan.


Tira here, from Shopify.


Thank you for your question.


I recommend taking a look at the apps I have listed in my post above. If you have already tried these apps on your store, I would love to hear if you have any feedback on these apps. I am happy to forward your feedback to our developers team so that they are aware of how we can improve our platform for you and all of our merchants. 


If you're using Shopify POS, you can use the Quick Sale option to set the price manually each time you make a sale with your product. Check out our help doc for these steps: Quick Sale on POS. You could weigh your seafood and then after weighing your seafood, you can calculate the price externally and then add the total price into your Quick Sale. The order will then be recorded with the total sale. 


I'm curious to see what the community has to suggest!

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

4 0 16
Hey thanks for responding. Unfortunately the apps above are not going to
support the functionality we are looking for. Here’s an example of what we
want to do:

We sell fresh salmon for $16/lb. A customer purchases 1lb from our online
store. We cut the salmon and pack the order, but the final weight is
1.06lbs. We enter the final weight into the app/Shopify and the price is
automatically adjusted to $16.96. The customer is notified of the final
weight and price. OR the other way- the final weight is 0.96lb and the
final price is adjusted to $15.36.

Any grocery merchant selling fish, meat, cheese, produce, etc. could really
use this functionality to charge customers for exactly what they are
getting. We won’t be able to cut exactly 1lb pieces of fish on a regular
basis. Just like buying at the grocery.

Mercato (probably a competitor sorry) offers this functionality to
merchants on their platform. Would be great to get it on Shopify too.
There’s going to be a huge demand for this in the future as more merchants
utilize online sells in the grocery industry. Thanks!
Shopify Partner
18 4 13

But you would still have to charge 16$ initially no?  And then based on the actual weight you would either refund them a few cents or charge some more? If that's not the case, you would have to delay the payment until you know the actual weight. 

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4 0 16
The way this is used on other platforms- a hold is placed on their card for
the $16, but the final amount will change based on final weight. Like when
you go out to eat and leave a tip, the amount is subject to change.
Refunding is possible now, but charging more than the authorized price
requires sending a new invoice and the customer having to pay again for the
small amount.

Looking for a way to just enter the final weight, and the accurate price is
charged to the card automatically.

23 0 6

I'm also looking for an answer to this question - we are selling products and won't know the final weight until delivery. 

1. How can I display pricing on my online store (right now it's showing as zero, with per pound pricing in the description)

2. How can I enter the final weight at delivery so that I charge the correct amount.

Any suggestions welcome!


New Member
4 0 0

Did you ever find an app for this? I really need this exact functionality as well.. But for meat and other produce. 

23 0 6
No I didn’t. Right now I’m stuck sending an invoice for $.01 and sending a follow up with catch weight when available. Any suggestions welcome.
New Member
4 0 0
Ugh.. I will keep you posted! I may try to reach out to Shopify directly. I
really thought other farms must have figured this out by now with
everything online! Surely someone has an answer out there..
4 0 16
Unfortunately not, seems like we are still waiting for an app developers to be the first!
New Member
4 0 0
That's crazy! What a missed opportunity for some app developers out there.
Have you at least found a way to place a hold for the estimated amount and
then adjust the total prior to the payment being processed? From what I
understand, this is how major retailer software functions.
Shopify Partner
18 4 13

Currently working on a solution. Should be live in a month or so. I'll keep you updated.

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1 0 1

We are also going mad with this same problematic. 

Are you a developer who is about to create an app that would solve this? I would really appreciate you giving a couple of details more as our shop is depending so much on this issue. 


Shopify Partner
18 4 13

I did some research and found 2 apps which might solve your problems.

If these apps doesn't solve your problems, let me know, so I can continue working on a customized solution for you.

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Shopify Partner
15 0 3

Features we are interested to have are:


changes should be apply the original order*

  • Catch product weight.
  • Change the product shipping weight.
  • customer can see in his orders history the changes.





15 0 6

We have installed and used sell by weight app for the past several months.  Their team is very quick to respond and are extremely helpful.  To summarize, this product is working for us.  We have 2 versions of the same product.  Let me explain by giving example.  We sell ground beef in approx. 1lb tubes.  With the online store, we have a product that assumes 1lb per pkg and this product is only available in our online store.  We have the same product in our POS sales channel with different name and tags where at time of sale, you enter the weight of the product.  The customer is charged the actual weight X the per lb price point.  The app also recognizes that 1 unit of ground was sold and adjusts inventory in both the online version of product as well as the POS product.



6 0 4

Can you please clarify the exact name of the app and who created it?

15 0 6
1 0 0


Any update on this Request do you have a solution yet?

23 0 6
Nope. No solution. My current workaround is to price at $.01 for the product and then to make a separate bill once I know the weight of the food. Big pain. If anyone solves please lmk.
New Member
4 0 0
Hi! We spoke with Shopify yesterday. It seems like the best solution is to
utilize an app like "Orders and Product Fees" to charge an overage (ex:
10%) on those types of items, and then refund the difference once you've
fulfilled the order and have the accurate weight. That is the app that is using, so you can check that out if you'd like an
example of how this functions on the front end. We're hoping this will work
for us too. Hope that helps!
1 0 0

Can you tell me how you adjust the weight charged? From what I can work our shopify can't sell in decimal places only whole units. So if meat is priced /kg you can't sell 1.23kg. Only 1kg or 2kg. 

2 0 0

Hello, any news regarding this subject? 

It is a serious setback for all sell by weight businesses