I am updating order shipping address via API with but it is removing latitude and longitude

I am updating order shipping address via API with but it is removing latitude and longitude

Shopify Partner
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I am updating an order shipping_address with this payload





  "order" : {
    "id" : order_id,
    "shipping_address" : {
      "address1" : "411 A1",
      "city" : "some-city",
      "country" : "some-country",
      "name" : "Test Tests",
      "phone" : "+some-phone",
      "latitude" : 31.469693,
      "longitude" : 74.27284610000001,
      "zip" : "",
      "province" : ""




 where I have just updated the first name. When this request is accepted, the logs with order on Shopify admin says shipping address updated, first name updated from this to this, Longitude removed, Latitude removed.

 But when I get the order again via API, it return both the latitude and longitude. What is going wrong?

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