Re: Is it possible to create an app through Shopify CLI while under the Basic Shopify plan?


Is it possible to create an app through Shopify CLI while under the Basic Shopify plan?

Shopify Partner
21 0 8

Hello everyone. 

I am developing a custom app for my client whose store is using the Basic Shopify plan. 

Mainly for webhooks, to store information to client's Database (outside Shopify) whenever an order is created. 

I'm using Shopify CLI to create the app. However when I "npm run dev" and try to select my client's store, I get error "xyz is not a development store". 
Is it possible to create an app through Shopify CLI while under the Basic Shopify plan?

Or do I have to downgrade to a development store? 


Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Partner
519 58 111

This is an accepted solution.

Shopify CLI: Correct, you can develop on any development store and you would then just submit it as a "custom distribution"

As far as your app, that sounds like it would be perfect for a custom app instead of using shopify cli and uploading an app that way. With a custom app you can develop it with the coding language you are familiar with and on your system, and just connect via api keys to your clients store. 

When you work with the Shopify CLI, even if the app is free, there are still quite a few things like plans(which still have to be added even if it is free), webhooks to respond to client data deletion requests, and a few other things. OVerall, just easier to build it custom.

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Shopify Partner
519 58 111

I think you should look into a "Custom app" for this client.

You can read up on here:

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Shopify Partner
519 58 111

But to answer your question. To run "npm run dev" you need to create a development store that you will use during development. You will not use your client's store to develop. 

You can read up on that topic here:

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Shopify Partner
21 0 8

Thank you for your response.

I see. If I create a test development store to create this app, will I be able to later use this for my client's store? 

Actually this is my first time developing an app for Shopify, I'm trying to develop a custom app for my client to save customer order information every time an order is made, to his own database, using webhooks. 

I won't be using this app on any other store, it will be tailor made for the client (owner) of this particular store only. 

Shopify Partner
519 58 111

This is an accepted solution.

Shopify CLI: Correct, you can develop on any development store and you would then just submit it as a "custom distribution"

As far as your app, that sounds like it would be perfect for a custom app instead of using shopify cli and uploading an app that way. With a custom app you can develop it with the coding language you are familiar with and on your system, and just connect via api keys to your clients store. 

When you work with the Shopify CLI, even if the app is free, there are still quite a few things like plans(which still have to be added even if it is free), webhooks to respond to client data deletion requests, and a few other things. OVerall, just easier to build it custom.

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Shopify Partner
21 0 8

Thank you so much! You cleared out  big confusion for me.

I just went to the Create An App documentation, used the Laravel template and proceeded without fully understanding the difference between public and custom apps. 

I agree, custom apps sound better, will proceed with this. Do you have any recommendations / resources for for creating a custom app to store customer orders information? I want to use webhooks and will be using php / Laravel as my primary language / framework. 

Again, thank you very much.

Shopify Partner
519 58 111

Not a problem at all! I believe everything you will need will be here:

On the code and request examples, just make sure you select PHP 🙂

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Shopify Partner
21 0 8

I have a small question please. 
I experimented and created a custom app and tested on a test development store. The test development store now has a non-transferable status. Do you know, if I generate Merchant Install Link, and install this app on my client's actual store (Basic Shopify Plan).. will it turn into a non-transferable store too?