Line item discount - is this possible?

Line item discount - is this possible?

10 0 4

I am moving our website from WordPress to Shopify.  I am having difficulty finding an app that will let us offer a discount per cart line item rather than per product.  We sell customizable goods. If someone wants 2 of the same product but customized differently they would not get a discount.  But if the customer orders 2 of the exact same customized product they would get a discount.  This is pretty simple in WordPress but I can't figure it out on Shopify.  I hope this makes sense.  Any ideas?  

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
55 4 1

Hi @ASH2 

You can install the application Haptech: B2B/wholesale. This App automatically discounts for products.There is a free version

Please see the images. 



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184 16 19

@ASH2 , I recommend you try our app, Discount Bot to customize how the minimum requirement is treated at the cart level.


Here's how you can set up the discount for minimum requirement check for each cart line item in the app:


1. Set up a discount and enter "Minimum quantity of items" as 2

2. Make sure you select the checkbox that says "Apply minimum requirement to each cart line item"





When a customer adds 3 of the same product (2 same variant, and 1 different variant), they'll only get the discount on the variants that has a quantity of 2 or more selected:




Please reply if you have any questions or clarifications.







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- Exclude hand-pick products/collections or on-sale items from discounts: Read the guide
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