Looking for Inventory Solution: 2 Products, 1 SKU - How to connect the two products

Looking for Inventory Solution: 2 Products, 1 SKU - How to connect the two products

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Hi there,

We are looking for a 2-part solution for our Shopify Plus store that would allow us to do two things:

-Have two separate product pages share one SKU and when the item is purchased on either product page, the inventory would adjust for both product pages. 

-Have a product that is bundled with 6-12 different SKUs under its umbrella (ie a curated gift box) and pull from the inventory of each of the individual products that match that SKU.

Does anyone have any apps they recommend? Preferably these apps would be compatible with Gist and Zapiet as they are two important apps for our store.

Thank you!

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Shopify Partner
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Should be able to build that workflow out for you using our app mesa. This is a similar workflow that syncs up inventory between variants that are derived from eachother:
