Manage Search & Discovery filters using API

Manage Search & Discovery filters using API

3 0 9

Is there any way to manage the filters in the Search & Discovery app using one of the API's (StoreFront, Admin)?

I would like to get a list of all defined filters and manage that list (create, update delete).


Preferably using GraphQL.

Replies 4 (4)
3 0 9

Search & Discovery is developed by Shopify and the default app Shopify recommends when you want to start using search and filters on your shop.

But I wonder if there is any integration from the API's with this app.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Is there any possibility to integrate shopify search and discovery app into my shopify admin ui extension block to generate and edit recommandations using the block developped by admin ui extension in product section


Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Would also help us with complex colour grouping for PLP filters.

Shopify Partner
20 1 14

Also interested in this.