Members Only for Specific Products—All Visible To Public

Members Only for Specific Products—All Visible To Public

2 0 0

Hi! I've been experimenting with a "members only" website and I'm experiencing some difficulties using two apps: Bold Subscriptions, and Locksmith.

Here's the implementation I'd like:

  1. New Customers to sign up and purchase membership subscription, and once purchased, they are automatically tagged with "member" 
  2. Only accounts with the "member" tag can purchase specific items/collections, but all items are still visible on the store to the public.

So far, I can't get Locksmith working correctly, but I suspect that it will only allow customers with the "member" tag to purchase, which means I can't onboard new customers. Some settings of Locksmith hide the entire sections, so I'm attempting to re-code some of the liquid so it does not do that.

I was able to get the "member" auto-tag through AOD Smart Auto Tagger, so that's great. It's working well.

Bold Subscriptions is also working correctly to allow membership subscriptions.

I just can't seem to figure out if there's an app that allows for a "member" to purchase specific items only so it does not affect the initial onboarding. 

Any thoughts or implementations that might be of use to me?

Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
36 0 4

Hi @officialeddiep,

If you're still looking for a membership app, we just launched Conjured Memberships, which is geared toward exactly the type of membership program you're talking about (i.e. with restricted products). We offer free styling and consulting services too, so if you need any help getting the pages to look and behave the way you need them to, we would be happy to help. Feel free to message me directly or email our team if you have any questions!

145 1 5

Hi @officialeddiep, I hope the below tutorial will help you a lot :