Metaobjects not showing as Filter in Search & Discovery App

Metaobjects not showing as Filter in Search & Discovery App

Shopify Partner
3 0 35

The new feature that was released by Shopify, Metaobjects is probably one of the best things that was announced in 2023 and with a great potential.


However, I have a small issue that probably wasn't developed yet.


Is it possible to use the metaobjects for products as a filter in Seach & Discovery App?

I've been using metafields as filters and know how to do it, but when a use a metafield as a reference to a metaobject, this one doesn't show as a Filter.


Is this something that can be solver?

Pedro Alfaiate
I develop Shopify stores to my clients and also teach my students how to develop their own stores from zero, step by step.
Weekly video tutorials on my Shopify YouTube Channel
Replies 24 (24)

1 0 6

We are also looking for this functionality as well

Shopify Partner
3 0 35

Anyone from Shopify team could give a bit of help here please? 😀

Pedro Alfaiate
I develop Shopify stores to my clients and also teach my students how to develop their own stores from zero, step by step.
Weekly video tutorials on my Shopify YouTube Channel
10 0 8

Another request for this feature, please!! 

2 0 0

Appreciate so much if we could have the feature real soon!

Shopify Partner
1 0 3

same here

Shopify Partner
3 0 1

It is not currently supported:


Using metafields, you can create custom filters for the following value types:

  • Single line text
  • Single line text (List)
  • Decimal
  • Integer
  • True or false
Shopify Partner
3 0 35

Yes currently is not supported, but in my opinion it makes sense to develop this solution.

If we can use metaobjects for a product it would make sense to use it as filters.


Fingers crossed, Shopify Developers will read this post and put this feature on the roadmap.

Pedro Alfaiate
I develop Shopify stores to my clients and also teach my students how to develop their own stores from zero, step by step.
Weekly video tutorials on my Shopify YouTube Channel

12 0 3


Thank you for this. I am following this one. I stumbled upon this limitation on Shopify and I want to keep updated.




Shopify Partner
20 1 14

We absolutely need this feature. Also applies for automated collections as you can not make one from metaobjects.

Shopify Partner
2 0 1

Yes, we definitely need this!

Shopify Partner
23 0 16

Oh please. We need this asap.

3 0 1

+1 for this functionality

Shopify Partner
14 0 15

Yes, we too were excited about the potential of metaobjects as it allowed us to create a model object to better fit our products, unfortunately without this feature we will not be able to utilize them on our store...yet. If you could filter by a metafield you should be able to filter by metaobject fields?

Shopify Partner
1 0 2

Another +1 here. Allowing metaobjects to act as filters would open up a whole new world of possibilities and should absolutely be a priority ASAP.


We should also be able to assign metaobjects as variant options!

10 0 9

Another +1 here! I kind of assumed this would be possible when I set up my custom meta info. Now I have to go back and manually add tags to all products instead

4 0 1

This functionality would be appreciated immensely! Thank you :]

2 0 2

BUMP! I need this feature ASAP, ha!

1 0 1

Would love to see this feature as well. 

4 0 10

+1 for this feaure... just created my first metaobject and assumed it would be available in the filters but then realized it wasn't. Really disappointed that we have such an advanced feature that allows us to create consistent data for products (i.e. list of specifications/features) but can't let customers filter by them. 

Shopify Partner
23 0 16

Yeah, I could have all specific product fields in a metaboject but now I had to move some to the product to be available in the filter. Such a mess 😞

Shopify Partner
12 0 9

Yes, us too! We'd like to be able to allow customers to filter our products by ingredient, which are set up as metaobjects and referenced on each product.

Organic & Vegan Skincare

Shopify Partner
200 11 21

AI Search & Product Filter has the function the add filter by product metaobjects.

AI Search & Product Filter | SB - Check out our Shopify search and filter app to drive more sales
65 0 11


We are using this app but can not see add filter by product metaobjects please can you advise how to do it.

Shopify Partner
12 0 9

I'm not sure when it was updated, but we now have the ability to add new filters for metafields, including the ones contained on metaobjects. I just wanted to share that information here in case anyone else was still waiting. We currently enabled ingredient filtering in our store, however, the other limitation we discovered is that there is a limit to only show 100 options in the filtering menu. In our case, we use over 150 ingredients, so many of them are missing from the filtering list. If anyone knows a workaround to this, please let us know! In the meantime, we just added a note in the title to let customers know. (Not the prettiest solution, but it was easy to implement.) Hope this helps!


Organic & Vegan Skincare