Re: My app was rejected because my app was not OAuth verified when the merchant reinstall

My app was rejected because my app was not OAuth verified when the merchant reinstall

Shopify Partner
9 0 3

My app was rejected by the reviewer because my app was not OAuth verified when the merchant reinstalled it. However, my app will be OAuth verified when the merchant installs and reinstalls it. I have tested and verified it. From the email feedback from the reviewers, there is a relevant audit video. I found that after uninstalling the app, the reviewers just looked at the front page of the app, and then concluded that the app would not be OAuth verified when reinstalled. Didn't the merchant Click to install the app in the background of the store? Why can the reviewer conclude that my app will not be OAuth verified during reinstallation without reinstalling the app, just looking at the front page of the app? What the hell is going on? It's so confusing.

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
137 16 62

Could be a problem with your uninstall webhook not processing the uninstall properly, so when they tried to install the app a new time it failed. 


I would suggest purging the reviewer's shop from your database and try it again. However, make sure you clearly understand their feedback and have properly addressed it before resubmitting. If you are unsure, post the test here for people to help.

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Shopify Partner
9 0 3

Thank you for your answer,this is the feedback from the reviewers,Is there any problem with my app?

First submission:


Second submission:

Thank you for your feedback. I've changed the picture with background color. When the merchant uninstalls the app, it will jump to the login interface when the app interface is running. In the login interface, the user will be asked to fill in the store domain name. When the user clicks login, I'll help the user jump to the app installation page. Is that right? Can this solve the second problem? If this can't solve the second problem, please explain what I should do. I'm a little confused about the second problem.


Shopify Partner
137 16 62

I don't think the reviewer's approach to demonstrating the OAuth issue is very good, but basically, your app isn't going through the OAuth process.

Because this is a reinstall of your app, it is probably looking up your DB and finding the old shop entry. You can either add a flag to show that the old account is inactive and therefore needs to go through the OAuth process to refresh the token, or you can ignore inactive entries in your database. Up to you how you want to implement it.

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