Need Product Variants by Volume From One Large Bulk Inventory

Need Product Variants by Volume From One Large Bulk Inventory

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Hi, thanks for any help here!

We sell a bulk product that comes in large pallets. Basically like coffee beans. We package them in 4 oz.,  8 oz. and 16 oz. bags and offer these sizes as variants. Unfortunately, we make them to order, so we don't want to have them inventoried as specific increments. We would like to add one large volume (our actual inventory) and then have these increment subtracted from the total inventory volume after each purchase.

So we want to add 20 lb. of coffee to our inventory on Shopify.

Then when someone purchases a 16 oz. bag, the inventory goes down to 19 lb.

Then if someone purchases an 8 oz. bag, our inventory goes down to 17.5 lb.

And so on. Basically a polled inventory for our bulk products, with variant volumes which we set. We don't want customers to be able to choose random volumes. Just 4 oz. 8 oz. and 16 oz. and have them all come out of the same inventory of a single product. Is this possible? We have funds for development. Thanks!

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Did you find a solution? We have a similar issue.
