New transfers function on mobile app - needs the reference field added in order to be useable

New transfers function on mobile app - needs the reference field added in order to be useable

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The transfer function on the updated app is much needed but I really need to see the reference number field on the screen as that is critical information that tells me which supplier that transfer is from.
With the new function you can see address to (always the same unless you run branches), the transfer #, when it's expected and status - pending or completed. BUT unless you click into every single transfer pending on a given day you can't see what product is in the transfer, nor who the supplier is. 

I have heaps of transfers incoming on any given day and to receive stock I would have to click on and go into every single pending transfer, opening up so many of the transfers until I happen to chance upon the one that I'm looking for. So this makes the transfer functionality on the app pretty much a time waster (not at all a time saver) for me and I am picking many other people would struggle with this lack of detail too.

What's the chance of the one reference field being added to the mobile app?
Thanks for your consideration - Sharyn

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