Re: Regarding Theme App Extension: snippet render is not working somehow.

Regarding Theme App Extension: snippet render is not working somehow.

Shopify Partner
29 0 2

Here is the code in blocks/app-embed-block.liquid file. 

where render files are available in snippets directory and assets contains css and js files.


{% render 'xyz.script' %}
{% render 'xyz.modal' %}

{% schema %}
"name": "App Dev Exp",
"target": "body",
"stylesheet": "xyz.modal.css",
"javascript": "xyz.inventory.js"
{% endschema %}


Render is not working all themes. Where it was actually working earlier. What can be done in this situation ? to get render working all the time. 

Also, mainly this is happening with new extension push. 

Jaron Smith,
Softpulse Infotech
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Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
11 0 3

@Jaron_Smith Hi, I am having similar kind of issue, how can I have my extension snippets access in my theme?