Remix Billing API: Receveing this "You will not be billed for this test charge." in isTest: false

Remix Billing API: Receveing this "You will not be billed for this test charge." in isTest: false

Shopify Partner
18 0 5

Hi, I've been working my app and getting close to make it work, but my billing API keeps on saying "You will not be billed for this test charge." even I already set the "isTrue" to false (actually tried both already false and null).

Here's my code:



billing: {
      amount: 1.99,
      currencyCode: 'USD',
      interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
and here's my billing page:
await billing.require({
      plans: [MONTHLY_PLAN],
      isTest: false,
      onFailure: async () => billing.request({
        plan: MONTHLY_PLAN,
        returnUrl: `/app-page`,
anyone have the same issue and how do you solved it?
Thanks a lot!
Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

There is an issue with the Shopify API documentation. The solution is to include isTest: false in billing.request as well. Hence, the solution could be :


await billing.require({
      plans: [MONTHLY_PLAN],
      isTest: false,
      onFailure: async () => billing.request({
        plan: MONTHLY_PLAN,
        returnUrl: `/app-page`,
isTest: false }), })


The same is mentioned here :


Shopify Partner
18 0 5

Yeah, I already fogured this one out too that same day lol.

