Rendering Custom Shipping Methods with Shopify App Using Remix

Rendering Custom Shipping Methods with Shopify App Using Remix

Shopify Partner
1 0 0



I'm developing a Shopify app with Remix and facing a challenge in integrating a feature to render these custom shipping methods from my backend. I've been through the Shopify documentation but haven't found a specific tool, extension, or API that clearly supports this functionality. Here are my questions:


  1. Has anyone in the community successfully implemented a feature that dynamically renders custom shipping methods in the Shopify checkout based on the customer's location?
  2. Are there specific Shopify tools or APIs that facilitate this kind of integration, particularly for pulling shipping methods and rates from a Remix-built backend?
  3. Could anyone provide examples, guidance, or documentation on integrating custom shipping methods from a Remix backend into the Shopify checkout process?


Any insights, advice, or documentation references would be immensely helpful. Thank you for your assistance!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
30 0 3

I am not aware if you can render custom shipping method. But yes, you can write your own app that can give you custom rates at checkout. 

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