Replacement for additional scripts on Order Status Page after checkout extensibility migration?

Replacement for additional scripts on Order Status Page after checkout extensibility migration?

Shopify Partner
210 10 30



We have an app, that uses additional scripts in Order status page to add some business logic currently. Now that stores have started moving to the new checkout extensibility additional scripts is disabled for these stores as it is incompatible. For business logic on the checkout page we can use shopify functions, but is there any replacement for business logic on order status page?


P.S. It is not tracking script so we can't use new pixel api.

Abhinav | Shopify Partner
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Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
6 0 2

Have you found any solution? Same issue here. we are using order status page additional script. but its deprecated now. and there is lots of logic which include use of document and windows variables.