Section Store Style App

Section Store Style App

Shopify Partner
17 1 2

Hello Everyone!

I am thinking about implementing an app, which adds sections to the theme code similar to I already looked into the theme app extension, but this is not quite what I looked for (I want to add sections and not only blocks). The plan for the app is also that the user is able to add specific sections, he can choose. (Similar to the section factory app).

I know that this is possible via the ScriptTag Api, but the documentation says, that I cannot publish the App, due to ScriptTag being deprecated. It says: "
Your app might not pass App Store review if it uses script tags instead of theme app extensions. All new apps, and apps that integrate with Online Store 2.0 themes, should use theme app extensions, such as app blocks or app embed blocks. Script tags are an alternative you can use with only vintage themes. Learn more." 

Is it okay to use ScriptTag as long as I am also using App Blocks for 2.0 Stores?
Thanks in Advance!

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Hi @mdi47  👋 Use the poorly name assets api to change themes ;  because every file is an "asset" 


Note: as for exemption such section apps are a page builder app or adding-liquid, or other etc



Also if stepping into that arena be very aware of the developer previewbeta, for the upcoming flex-sections/nested-blocks features 

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