Shop App not allowing restricted content - Locksmith is out, any other options?

Shop App not allowing restricted content - Locksmith is out, any other options?

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Our company uses the Shop application, but we are also trying to launch limited products for subscribers as well. We've found that Locksmith is a great solution for this, but there is a direct conflict between these two apps. 

Shop doesn't seem to allow any "content restricting" applications like Locksmith and so if we want to create specific products for our subscribers, we aren't eligible to sell on Shop. 

Has anyone run into a similar issue and found a solution they could share?

Thank you in advance,

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Shopify Partner
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Hello @DreamcastMedia 


You should try Shoplock Shopify App and reach out to our support team for help. 

Helping voluntarily. Please like and accept the solution if it helps. Thanks!
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