Shopify App integration

Shopify App integration

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6 0 0

Hi everyone, I'm working on the shipping platform. The client is looking into providing the possibility of working with Shopify.


For us, the perfect case will be avoiding the Shopify app in the base scenario, we need only API integration. In general, we want to have two sides of connection between our app and Shopify(e.g send our orders to the Shopify store or, from this store to our app)


The perfect example is how it works is Zapier


Even if you are installing the app from the Shopify store, they immediately redirect you to their platform, and you can't use their app as an "embedded" app.


I've already communicated with Shopify during the review process, but it is only one-side communication and I can't ask Shopify directly.


Maybe I need to choose another method of distribution, but according to the documentation "custom distribution" has a much harder installation process for me


So my question is it possible to avoid using Shopify's "embedded" app, just like it works on Zapier, or how to avoid or minimize using the UI part of the Shopify app?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
275 30 30

Hi , there


Shopify indeed offers developed services with non-UI embedded admin capabilities for seamless integration with various systems and platforms. If you are interested, please feel free to send a direct message.

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New Member
6 0 0

Thanks for your answer, can you help me with it, I can't find a possibility of sending you a direct message, your email link is not available

Shopify Partner
22 0 1


Try check partner app section


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