Shopify app redirect during installation (App bridge integration)

Shopify app redirect during installation (App bridge integration)

Shopify Partner
3 0 2

Hi Shopify community,


I created a Shopify React application without using the Remix template. I'm experiencing an issue with the installation flow of my Shopify app. When a user clicks "Install", i am trying to open the authorization page from the frontend. This worked before, but now that i have added the app Bridge scripts to the index.html file, there's a problem.

When the user clicks "install" Shopify redirects them to the frontend URL with the necessary parameters. However, instead of proceeding with the OAuth flow, the app tries to access itself without being installed, resulting in a 404 Not Found error.


Any help or guidance on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

example app URL: http://localhost:3000/redirect

redirect page logic to open the authorization page:
Screenshot 2024-06-02 201747.png


Screenshot 2024-06-02 200638.png

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
920 23 187

If you use Shopify-managed installations for your app, you can skip the auth code grant process. But you have to run `shopify app deploy` to push your CLI config to Shopify at first. Also, you have to make sure the app scopes are pushed to Shopify. Otherwise, the managed installation cannot be triggered

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