Shopify Bundles - Doesn't show customer what size for what shirt

Shopify Bundles - Doesn't show customer what size for what shirt

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I created a new bundle with the Shopify app and I added two shirts. After I pushed the product the website, it just have two bars with sizes but doesn't give the user any indication on which shirt they are select the size for. How do I get it so the customer knows which shirt they are selecting the size for.


Here are some screenshots that hopefully will help:

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 7.58.50 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-08-08 at 7.59.02 PM.png


This is what I'm trying to re-create:

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 7.58.41 PM.png


Thank you,


Forbidden Adventures Supply Co (Outdoor Vehicle Giveaway Company)
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
2 0 0

Hi @ForbiddenAdven 👋

The Bundle of Shopify will help pulling 2 product into 1 main products but will not help displaying the title. 

On this case, I would suggest using the Mix and Match bundle customization of Fast Bundle to have multiple products showing in different titles. Additionally, you can also offer discount with the buyer quantity. 

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