Shopify Etsy App by Sku

Shopify Etsy App by Sku

8 1 0

We have a well estabilshed Etsy Store which we list the items in the following way.

9 Colour ways  jumper and then in that listing under variation we  have a Sku for for the colour and size

Or 4 colourways Beanie hat and under variations we have then have 4 Skus one for each colur

Im trying to find if there is an App that will link the Etsy Products exactly the way they are (Ie not having to create new Etsy listings) To the same Sku in Shopify (With out chaning our Shopify listing) which is an individual listing for product ie Jumper Large with 9 seperate listing for each colour. 

We had tried to use CEDecommerce but that doesnt seem to link by SKU but by Etsy Product ID.

Do you know of any Apps that can link Shopify and Etsy Skus (I know expandly can but thats not the way we want to go)


Edit - We dont want all shopify products on Etsy and we want say only a limited qty ie 5 showing on etsy while there might be 20 available on shopify.


Replies 4 (4)

42 1 3

You can make use of Shopify Marketplace Connect (formerly Codisto)

Hello I'm Nolan you can reach out to me here ( if you ever need anything 

Shopify Staff
33 2 3



Josh here from Marketplace Connect Support.


Not sure if any other app allows it, but (at least at the moment) the link with Etsy listings is similar to eBay when it comes to variation setups, wherein the arrangement of items on Etsy has to match exactly how the items are set up on Shopify. The sync will return errors otherwise.


In the future, should you decide to rearrange your variation setups to match between platforms, you can use Marketplace Connect to establish a link between the Etsy listing and the Shopify product, and sync certain data including price, inventory, and description between them.


Marketplace Connect is free to use, with 50 free orders per month, all features included.

8 1 0
We use the same skus on Etsy and shopify

Just that under etsy all colurs are in one listing, each colour has a size
variation so etys would have 27 skues in one lisiting while shopify would
have 9 lisings with 3 skues

does that make sense?

Shopify Staff
33 2 3

Yes, it does - still either the Etsy or Shopify arrangement would have to be altered. This would not be a problem if you were syncing solely with Amazon, but by the nature of how the sync with Etsy works, the variation setup on either platform must match.