Shopify 'Forms' App Width

Shopify 'Forms' App Width

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I need a second form on my website to capture customer details, separate to my contact form with 5-10 fields to fill in. I couldn't find a way to duplicate the contact liquid code file as I'm not savvy enough and didn't want to mess anything up backend and have it affect the other form, or anything else on the site.


I have instead chosen to go for Shopify's app 'forms' which builds in nicely into the section in my page. I have made my form and everything looks almost there BUT my only issue is that the forms width is half the width of the container, its centred in the middle so it looks okay but its just kinda small and looks silly in relation to the other parts of my site. I'd like to make the form 800px (approx across) or whatever the usual container width is to stretch it out. I need it to downscale on mobile too though.


Looking through the inspect tool I can't seem to pin point the correct class to make any adjustments and the other bit in the inspect tool that I can play about with to change anything is the 

max-width: var(--inline-container-max-width); bit which if you click goes right to : host { and then  --inline-container-max-width: 450px;, my experience in web design is just html & css on a basic level so this :host bit and var() i have no clue about but if i edit that 450px to 950px etc. is changes the width, how do I reflect this on my actual website rather than the inspect tool!!

Hope someone can help ;-; thank you!

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