Shopify Functions (Discounts) How to redirect when user clicks on App Discount

Shopify Functions (Discounts) How to redirect when user clicks on App Discount

Shopify Partner
4 0 0

Hi guys,


I could not find any information in the API docs and forums about how to redirect the user to a specific part of the app when the user clicks on the app discount from the Discounts page.



Current behavior: When the user clicks on the red section, he is redirected to the app home screen

-- I want to redirect the user to a specific section of the app, not the app home screen - any information on how to do that?


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
86 10 13

Hi Niki151,


The `extensions/product-discount/shopify.extension.toml` file must contain the code for the details.
