require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
include 'config.php';
use Shopify\Auth\OAuthCookie;
use Shopify\Context;
use Shopify\Client;
use Shopify\Auth;
use Shopify\Auth\FileSessionStorage;
apiKey: $apiKey,
apiSecretKey: $apiSecret,
scopes: $scope,
hostName: $shopName ,
sessionStorage: new FileSessionStorage(__DIR__.'/tmp/php_sessions'),
apiVersion: '2023-04',
isEmbeddedApp: true,
isPrivateApp: false,
getting this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected identifier "string", expecting variable in ....shopify-apps\src\Auth\FileSessionStorage.php on line 12
this s the function in FileSessionStorage.php :
public function __construct(string $path = '/tmp/shopify_api_sessions')
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$this->path = $path;
Can anyone help with fixing this.. tried this too
SessionStorage: new FileSessionStorage('/tmp/php_sessions'),