Shopify's "Privacy and Compliance" app "Accept" button is broken

Shopify's "Privacy and Compliance" app "Accept" button is broken

17 0 11

Clicking on "Accept" on Cookie consent banner fails -- after clicking on it the banner remains where it is for 5 secs, then disappears but does not actually set the consent -- it will then re-appear on the next page.


The error is "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch" and it seems to be trying to make a request call to a broken URL: https://undefined/api/unstable/graphql.json




I've checked other stores using the "Privacy and Compliance" app besides us and they all exhibit the same issue.


These constant production code breakages (1 2 and now this one in just over a month) relating to the cookie pop up and analytics are annoying to say the least.


Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
7 0 4

I have uninstalled and reinstalled it but this has not resolved it. I am raising it with Support now


Shopify Partner
7 0 4

Raised to Shopify - they are reviewing further. Last contact I had was that there had been some changes to Customer Data Consent processing which ay have affected the apps performance. Waiting for further feedback. Will keep you posted

17 0 11

Thanks, I also raised this with them and they said are investigating and come back to me in a couple of hours (this was an hour or so ago)

17 0 11

Got an update from Shopify support: said they are working on it but don't have a timeline when this will get fixed

Shopify Partner
7 0 4

At least they are working on it, thanks for the update

17 0 11

No new reply from Shopify yet. But I think they fixed the issue. I see it working correctly and without errors now

Shopify Partner
7 0 4

Yeah same here, just tested on a few different browsers and seems correct now