Shopify\Utils::sanitizeShopDomain(): Argument #1 ($shop) must be of type string, null given

Shopify\Utils::sanitizeShopDomain(): Argument #1 ($shop) must be of type string, null given

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I deployed my App (React + Laravel (sqlite DB)) to and I get past the installation process (grant permissions etc.), but when I try to open app on my development store i get this error:





Shopify\Utils::sanitizeShopDomain(): Argument #1 ($shop) must be of type string, null given, called in /app/app/Lib/AuthRedirection.php on line 19 {"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): Shopify\\Utils::sanitizeShopDomain(): Argument #1 ($shop) must be of type string, null given, called in /app/app/Lib/AuthRedirection.php on line 19 at /app/vendor/shopify/shopify-api/src/Utils.php:32)







I debugged it a little bit and found out that $request->query() is empty in this case (but not when the installation happens).




App runs normally on local development server.



Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong in this case?


Thanks, Jan

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