Re: Showing applicable discount codes on product page

Showing applicable discount codes on product page

Shopify Partner
6 0 6



I am working on building a theme for my client. The store has lots of discount codes across different products which are applicable to all the customers unconditionally. The requirement here is to show the discount codes applicable for a specific product on the product page, or atleast in a seperate offers page. 

Is there any way to get the applicable discount codes for a products within the theme?



Replies 56 (56)

Shopify Staff
516 0 119

Hey Manjiri, 

I'm Ann, from the team here at Shopify 🙂

That sounds like an interesting set up for sure! There are a couple things that come to mind for this. First would be adding the discount code into the product description (you can make it larger in font, a different color, etc. to make it stand out). Or you can try an announcement bar app for this. 

There are a few apps in our App Store that will create announcement bars for stores, however, in this case, you'll want to use one where you can control what pages the bar appears on. I took a quick look and I was able to find this app. It boasts that you'll have control over what page the bar will appear on, so you can just make multiple bars for specific product pages.

It's good to note that this is a third party app, meaning it wasn't created by Shopify. If you have any questions or want to double check that this will work for you before you start, your best bet will be to use the contact information listed on the app's page and reach out to their support team directly.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or concerns feel free to reach out to us on this thread 🙂 

Have a great one,

Ann | Social Care @ Shopify 
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1 0 0

I dont find this on the product page to delet!?PHOTO-2021-11-12-19-17-18.jpg

Shopify Partner
33 0 23

I have been searching for the same thing. Once you create a coupon code you should have an option to click "Show on product page" and it will show a small notification under the price or something similar.

Shopify Staff
516 0 119

Hey Cody, 

Thanks for the feedback! That definitely sounds like a good idea and I'll pass it along to our team for you.

That said, just so I have all the details if you're looking to post a discount code on a product page, would a good workaround be to put the product on sale? That way the customer doesn't have the extra step of inputting the discount code when they see it. You can see the steps on how to do that on this page in our Shopify Manual. 

Let me know if this does or doesn't work for you as an alternative! 

Have a great one,

Ann | Social Care @ Shopify 
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6 0 8

It is a good idea but this is sooo antiquated to have to individually have to enter each stinking new price.  There should be a bulk way to do this.  And please do not tell me cvs way because it doesn't work.

2 0 1

@Ann456 wrote:

Hey Cody, 

Thanks for the feedback! That definitely sounds like a good idea and I'll pass it along to our team for you.

That said, just so I have all the details if you're looking to post a discount code on a product page, would a good workaround be to put the product on sale? That way the customer doesn't have the extra step of inputting the discount code when they see it. You can see the steps on how to do that on this page in our Shopify Manual. 

Let me know if this does or doesn't work for you as an alternative! 

Have a great one,

Any update to this? A google search of the forums seems to show this is a request that has been in for years by a large number of people. I can't imagine anybody wanting discounts to be applied by "hidden" as they are now until the checkout. I suspect every single user of discount codes wants them to show up in the cart.

18 0 26


This REALLY needs to be a core feature. I have other shops running quite a few different carts. All those have this as a core feature. To have to pay $15-20/MO for this is ridiculous. 

Shopify Staff (Retired)
4531 434 1029

Hi @Kevin5801 & @joshrau,


Thanks for adding your feedback to this. I can definitely see how this would and can impact your business going forward. For the moment the best and most efficient way to do this is by adding an app, similar to the one @Bobby_from_Bold has mentioned in the thread above, it wouldn't be a native feature to the platform. I will add another feature request on top of the one Ann has made to let our development team know this going forward. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

1 0 3

Just to add a bit, some vendors REQUIRE that we use a coupon instead of dropping the price.  Also, Google Shopping only lets you advertise items that change in the cart - either a cart price drop or coupon applied.  In either case letting customers know this on the Product Page is crucial.  Since Shopify has a Discount tool where you've already applied collections, it seems there could just be a checkbox for "Add Product Page Message" and then a box to put in the message.

Also, there should really be a field for discount Terms & Conditions in the Discount tool that would appear from a link anywhere the coupon code appears.

Shopify Partner
108 4 23

I tend to agree with everyone else, as this should be standard feature and would like to bump. 

3 0 2

should be a standard feature to show at least a discount code is available for the product on the page as that is compliant with most M.A.P policies 

18 0 26

While I would normally 100% agree with this, I can see the use of having it hidden, especially if your suppliers have a M.A.P Policy. 
I would be nice to be able to toggle between showing the sale prices in the cart or on the page - at least at a store level, if not a product page level... 

Shopify Partner
33 0 23

Well although putting an item on "Sale" would be a work around it would be nice to still have the coupon option so the customer feels like they are actually saving money off the retail pricing vs listed "Sale" price. I know when I personally shop around I like using coupon codes because it has a sense of getting it cheaper or it could just be me...

I still wish we had a better shipping system like BigCommerce. Each product should have shipping weight, dimensions, and option for "Free Shipping" or "Combined Shipping". It is annoying to not offer free shipping on certain items that need it to sell.

Just my $0.02 to help save the planet, aka world wide web.

Shopify Staff
516 0 119

Hey Cody, 

Thanks so much for going into more detail with me, I really appreciate your two cents here! Both on the discounts and on the feedback about shipping. I can definitely see how adding better features to those would benefit you, and your business. I am passing this information along to our team of developers, and maybe this will be something we will be able to work on in the future. 

Again, thanks for your time, and if you have any more feedback, we always love hearing it! 

Have a great one,

Ann | Social Care @ Shopify 
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1 0 6


So the idea of showing the discount on the page hasn't been implemented yet right?

When you have a discount code you are given a special link that you can embed in a landing page for example so the visitor will directly have the discount applied in the cart. But when the visitor goes through the product page first he has no idea the coupon is applied and still sees the full price. A bit counterintuitive no?

How can we make the discount show directly on the product page? I have seen it asked multiple times and yet nothing done from Shopify...

Thank you,

1 0 6

Our client needs this as well.  It makes a big difference when shoppers can see an immediate discount.  JC Penney has a great implementation of this idea.



1 0 0


possible for you to share the details of the solution provided by JC Penny like you mentioned?



Shopify Partner
108 4 23

Hey Jannett,

it is pretty easy to build a if statement to show text based on the tag. 

{% if product.tag is “XYZ” %} do this {% else %} something else {% endif %} 

the problem it is isn’t quite easy to pull this info and code parameters with some some middleware type system, which ideally would be in shopify. The coupon code functionality isn’t really exposed to the theme frontend either. 



11 0 10

Came across this while trying to figure out how to show discounts on products pages. As someone just getting started with Shopify it does make me question rather this is a platform to stay with. When such a basic feature is not included in the price we already pay and the suggestion is to use another app that costs an extra $20 a month to use. I can see this is a very common problem with the Shopify platform. Missing many standard features and being told to buy an app.

To me this is not cool at all. This sort of "nickle and dime" stuff will kill small businesses just trying to get started. 

If I had bought all of the apps that have been suggested by Shopify staff for things that should be built in features. I would easily be up to paying over $100/month just in apps.

I hope these concerns actually get addressed by someone as this thread is now 2 years strong.

1 0 0

I also agree that this should definitely be a built-in feature. I spent 30 minutes looking for the option assuming it would be an obvious built-in feature. 

That being said I did find an easy work-around that works just as well. I just went to edit my homepage and found that there was an option to add an 'announcement bar'. From there I was able to add my discount code to be used at checkout.


Let me know what you guys think!

7 0 8

We may need to show one discount for a one-time use coupon and another discount for a coupon associated with an advertisement. Maybe we're running a different sale. These should all be able to be used at the same time by different visitors, so the announcement bar isn't solving this as far as I can tell.

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

May I ask name of this app, please?

Shopify Partner
6 0 3

@khanhlumpy it's Automatic Discount Code Links

  • product page coupon widget;
  • storefront applied discounts before checkout;
  • discount code infobar.

It's free. Hope it helps.

5 0 1

It doesn't look "Free" to me.

3 0 0

Do you have the code for this?


Shopify Partner
46 0 8

I'm actually part of the Bold Team so I may be a bit biased here but I think our Bold Discounts App would be perfect. You can actually just put the product on sale with no discount code and it will be clearly visible on the product page.


So this is what it would look like on your product listing


Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 11.01.25 AM.png


And on the product description page:


 Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 11.03.44 AM.png


It makes it clear of what the discount is and the badge makes it clear that it is on sale. You can customize the badge and a bunch of other things too. The app also has a lot of other features that I think you'd find useful plus there is a free trial.


Check it out here.


Hope that helps!

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6 0 8

Yeah great but ridiculous they are making us add all the apps on!

Shopify Partner
46 0 8

Yeah you can actually bulk add products to discount by collection, vendor and product type. You can tag products for special sales like 'deals of the day'. Here is a video covering it.


If you do want to try it out there is a 14-day free trial. Again, if you have questions I will do my best to help.

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2 0 9

Was researching for the same answer and see the question is still on the table 1 year later.


Discount codes/prices on product pages should be standard in a platform such as Shopify.  They have the capital to invest in development.


The apps I have seen are USD20+ per month and this not where I wish to spend my money with Shopify.  Disappointing in short.

17 0 34

This should be a standard feature on Shopify.

Create a discount with option to display message on product pages that apply to discount.

I have been using a 10 year old ecommerce package that has this function

2 0 4

Also asking for this feature to be a core one. It's simple and very necessary.

9 0 4

I second this... or 100th this. This is a huge problem for my site. Someone even told me that they couldn't find the discount code field at all. It's so buried in the checkout page. I'm almost definitely losing conversions since coupon codes are commonly shared when I do email marketing to my loyal customers. The only thing close was the app called dCode which allows people to enter their discount codes on the cart page. Pretty good. But not good enough. 

I'm getting custom code to do it on the product page from a developer. Shopify please add this. 

Shopify Partner
6 0 3

Hey there,

here is a FREE app that applies discount codes on product pages (and collections) - Automatic Discount Code Links.

  • product page coupon widget;
  • storefront applied discounts before checkout;
  • discount code infobar.

Hope it will help!

9 0 4
Well this is exactly what I was looking for!!! I see there are no reviews but the company appears to be legit from looking at their site. I’m going to go for it. Hopefully it works without unintended side effects... Thanks for your help!!! Saved me tons of $$$.
Shopify Partner
6 0 3

@gtanner57 thank you for the feedback!!

I'm from the team behind this app, so let me (or our support) know if you need any assistance.
As for the reviews, there are none because the app was released yesterday. But if you find it useful - be the first to rate it 🙂

2 0 1
It looks like this only works with discount codes that are percentage based
and apply to all products. I'm installing it, because it could still be
useful, but it would be great if in the future it is able to
accommodate discount codes for specific single or groups of products rather
than the entire store. Also nice would be if it could accommodate set
dollar discounts, although being able to single out specific products would
be more important.
Shopify Partner
6 0 3

@joshrau thank you for the feedback! We'll add these features in future releases.

5 0 1

good day, can we apply different discount codes for different products separately? 

Shopify Partner
6 0 3

Hey, right now you can apply discount codes to all products. Different discount codes can be created - but one and the same customer cannot apply two discount codes at once. 

38 0 8



Did you ever get a solution for this? I am looking for the same thing.



5 0 1

no solutions whatsoever, still looking

3 0 1

Obviously it would be super great to have a built-in checkbox in the product page admin to hide / show the discount code on product pages.

The below solution is some-what involved, but once everything is set up, you'll be smooth sailing with dynamic discount codes on product pages and no app required.

Here's what I did:

Step 1: Create Discount Code
Take note of the name, you will use it in step 2.  For this example, we will call the discount code COOL5 and it will offer 5% off a collection. Pause.. Open a new tab and lets create a collection

Step 2: Create a Collection
The title of your collection is going to be very very important. The title of my collection for the discount I just created will be: DISCOUNT-COOL5-5%.

The structure of this title is: DISCOUNT-{discount_name}-{discount_amount} where discount_name and discount_amount should match the discount you're creating.

Save this collection as a manual collection, and then add any products you want (our Discount Code in step 1 will apply to these). Also, this tripped me up for a hot second, but make sure this collection is available in  at least the Store Sales Channel. I know, it sucks - this solution isn't perfect. If you don't do this the code we add in step 3 won't work since I guess collections have to be on a sales channel to appear in the collections liquid object.

Anyway, Go back to the Discount Code you were just creating in step 1 and select "Specific collections" in the "Applies To" section and select this collection you just created.

Step 3: Edit the code
This is something you only do once and it is well worth it.

Navigate to product-template.liquid by going to Online Store > Actions > Edit Code. On the left hand side search for "product-template".

Paste the below code where ever you'd like your discount code to appear on your product page and save:





        {% for collection in product.collections %}
            {% if collection.title contains "DISCOUNT" %}
                 {% assign parts = collection.title | split: "-" %}
                 {% capture discount_name %}{{ parts[1] }}{% endcapture %}
                 {% capture discount_amount %}{{ parts[2] }}{% endcapture %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% if discount_name != blank and discount_amount != blank %}
        	<p>Use code {{ discount_name }} for an instant {{ discount_amount }} off!</p>
        {% endif %}





For those interested, all this code does is loop over the product's associated collections, finds the collection where DISCOUNT is in the title and then stashes the name / amount in a variable, which you can do whatever you want with. And now you can tell why the naming is incredibly important.

Once this code is added, now your job is to just create Discount Codes and Collections as you normally would, with just a bit more attention to how things are named.

Here's a visual of the end result. I chose to place mine right under the price. The discount values you see here can all be changed by simply editing collection / discount titles. 

Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 10.58.09 PM.png

Again, would way rather have a checkbox on the product page admin that toggled all this stuff - it'd be way cleaner, but this will do for me just fine. hit me up if you got questions.

Shopify Staff (Retired)
4531 434 1029

Hi everyone, 

Thanks for being informative and adding constructive feedback in this thread.  While this is currently not something that can be done in the theme directly, it might be possible with the Storefront API (which is what Apps use). But it means you would have to build an app. 

Another possible workaround is when you click on the code and it adds you. Which technically is possible in code, you can create a cart URL with the discount code. But you’d have to manually do that for each product, which is the pain point. 

In saying all this, there is a feature request for this, where I have added all the feedback from this thread to it but currently there is no update and I am unable to give any timelines for it. 

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
108 4 23

Thanks Nick, 

Hopefully with the deployment of 2.0 we will see increased focus on value add for consumers. 



1 0 2

I cant believe that there is no app for this simple yet very powerful feature. On Shopify app store , there are literally thousands of apps for similar kind of features, yet there is no app for this kind of function . Below is another non Shopify store with this feature , Its in another language but , you can understand the feature. It shows how much the final price will be at the checkout (green price) .It says %25 off for purchases over $300. and since the product qualify for the discount , it shows the price in green.


This feature make customer feel like they score a nice additional discount and encourage them to complete the purchase. Of course you can directly apply the discount but it wouldn't give the excitement of scoring a deal.

Screen Shot 2021-10-10 at 21.25.57.png

5 0 1

Has the file name changed to "main-product.liquid"? Not getting results. So silly that this feature has been requested since 2018 and still not implemented in Shopify!!!!!!!!

4 0 2

I've spent several days searching for something to do this as well but still no updates?

A few people have mentioned they don't want to pay for a plugin to achieve this - I've struggled to even find a paid plugin that does it? Can someone please list them?


The suggested product from "Bold" does not achieve this - it simply discounts a product without any coupons.


I have tinkered with the suggestion from @Ehorvat but unfortunately this is really limited. For example if you have AfterPay running, it won't calculate the correct repayments. There's only so many areas of the website I want to hack into to get this to work.


I can't believe Shopify still haven't added a checkbox for this.

1 0 0

Hello - 


It's been four years and we have yet to find a solution. Someone come up with this so its already made in Shopify or on an app. 😞 Something so simple yet so complicated to have.


Screen Shot 2022-08-20 at 3.07.03 PM.png

38 0 8

Its crazy it isn't a feature yet 😞