Unable to retrieve product attributes inside theme extension app block

Unable to retrieve product attributes inside theme extension app block

Shopify Partner
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Hello, I am trying to retrieve product price inside my app block created through theme extension file however I'm unable to do so. 

I am only getting following things in the product object:

This is the product section id: {"product":"the-multi-managed-snowboard","title":"","price":""}

Following is my schema: 

{% schema %}
"name": "QisstPay Product Widget",
"templates": ["product"],
"target": "section",
"settings": [
"type": "product",
"id": "product",
"label": "Product",
"autofill": true
"type": "text",
"id": "title",
"label": "Title"
"type": "text",
"id": "price",
"label": "Price"
{% endschema %}

<p>This is product title: {{ block.settings.title }}</p>
<p>This is product price: {{ block.settings.price }}</p>

To print title and price. Please note, I have tried {{block.settings.product.title}} and {{block.settings.product.price}} to access values as well, still no luck. 

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