URL on app deployment

URL on app deployment

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

I have an app theme extension that I want to host in EC2. It works ok with the "shopify app dev" command.

I want to run the app in  a docker in my local machine to test how to deploy on an AWS. 

I'm using the default docker image that gets built with the app. 

FROM node:18-alpine


COPY . .

ENV NODE_ENV=production

RUN npm install --omit=dev
# Remove CLI packages since we don't need them in production by default.
# Remove this line if you want to run CLI commands in your container.
RUN npm remove @Shopify/app @Shopify/cli
RUN npm run build

# You'll probably want to remove this in production, it's here to make it easier to test things!
RUN rm -f prisma/dev.sqlite

CMD ["npm", "run", "docker-start"]

but I get this error Error: Invalid appUrl provided. Please provide a valid URL.

can I not use the default values in the shopify.app.toml file. do I need to point it to me EC2.
this is the first time I am deploying a shopify app and I'm not quite sure how to go about solving this error

any tips or guidance will be much appreciated
shopify --version
@Shopify/cli/3.63.0 linux-x64 node-v18.20.0
npm -v
node -v
Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
7 0 0

were you able to fix this issue? I am also stuck at the same place