What are the access scope required for simple Back To Top Button App?

What are the access scope required for simple Back To Top Button App?

49 1 6

Hello Friends,


My name is Jay. Can anyone let me know what access scopes are required for the Simple Back To Top Button App?


This app simply reads the shop object from the session table that is created during installation. We do not write or read products, orders, customers, etc.


We have created a theme app extension to place a UI button on the storefront. The button is positioned using the extension, and we do not write any code directly in the theme. All we do is enable the theme app embedded feature, which is something every app does in the theme editor.


So, can someone suggest what scopes we need?

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It sounds like you don't need any scopes to be honest.


Try installing your app without any scopes and if you don't hit any API permission errors at any point, you're good!

49 1 6

Hi @JayAdra ,

When I first time created the App using the Shopify CLI, It added one scope by default i.e. "write_product". So I have tried to overwrite (make it empty) it using toml file.
Like scopes = ""

But when I run "shopify app config link" command it again adds the scope = "write_products"


also, there is no way in the partner dashboard to modify the scopes.

Shopify Partner
187 15 48

I believe you can just run your "app deploy" command instead of config link and it will push up the new scopes from your toml file. I think "config link" is pulling down the toml info from your app, rather than pushing changes up.

Shopify Partner
18 0 1

For the "Simple Back To Top Button App," which only reads the shop object and uses a theme app extension to place a UI button on the storefront, the required access scope is likely read_themes. This scope allows the app to access theme-related data without modifying products, orders, or customers.

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49 1 6

Hi @hasbi_expatify ,

Are you sure?  Because I am not writing/adding any code to the theme.