What does Stocky do when it doesn't recognize a barcode during a stocktake?

What does Stocky do when it doesn't recognize a barcode during a stocktake?

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I recently overtook a store with very little training, so I couldn't get a lot of information about how our products and inventory were logged.

It looks like there are thousands of duplicates and miscategorized things (due to a messy Quickbooks import), which I have been deleting in preparation for doing inventory next week.

I have never used Stocky when working retail, but it seems like a good way to keep track of inventory?

However, with so many things getting deleted, a lot of the barcodes we have on our products are "false". If I go to do a stocktake with Stocky, does anything come up if you scan a barcode that's been deleted? Can barcodes be edited during a stocktake? ie our system has  "Socks - Women" and "Socks-Crew", so I deleted "Socks-Crew" but the product we have on the floor has "Socks - Women" as its barcode.

Also, will Stocky update the inventory of any product we don't scan to zero? Couldn't get a lot of information about this online either. 

Thank you for any help with this!

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