What is the best way to show toast notification messages in remix app?

What is the best way to show toast notification messages in remix app?

Shopify Partner
47 2 6
So I'm a form submission I'm processing it from the action method and then redirecting with a response. Now I wanna show that response as a toast notification.
Like processing data in file A and then redirecting to file B and wanna show the notification there in B. Maybe implement it in the root to skip writing the same code in every file. 

How can I do that? 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
413 62 60

Hi @Wakil_eFoli,

You can use the app bridge to show toast information to the user. 
Here is Shopify's official documentation about how to show toast using their latest app bridge API. Global app bridge api 
You can also use the legacy app bridge API for this. App bridge legacy api 
You can also use Shopify Polaris component for this purpose. Toast - Shopify Polaris 

Brain Station 23 PLC (Mail: js.sbu@brainstation-23.com)
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